Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Allen Pope, the story of CIA Agent Attack Indonesia

Not much history is revealed, and not many know that Allen Pope a CIA agent ever want to try to attack Indonesian and Indonesian rummage through that time. Allen Lawrence Pope was a CIA mercenary assigned to various missions. Conducted several missions in Southeast Asia are presently fighting at Dien Bien Phu, Vietnam, and by the time PRRI / Permesta in Indonesia. He was caught by the Indonesian army when its combined fleet to bomb the Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia to the bomber B-26 Invader AUREV failed and was shot down.

Allegedly he was shot down by a P-51 Mustang aircraft Indonesian Air Force, flown by Ignatius Morrow yet another witness said he was shot down by heavy fire carried Navy fleet of the Republic of Indonesia. Wrote books on various CIA lunge arena of conflict does not forget to mention the name of Allen Pope.

Pope then was assigned as a pilot AUREV (Revolutionary Air Force) which is based on the principal Mapanget, North Sulawesi (now Sam Ratulangi Airport) under Major Petit Muharto. AUREV himself no less magnitude about 10 fighter-bomber is a bomber among moderate / mild B-26 Invader and P-51Mustang.

The CIA itself is already providing 15 B-26 bombers for the PRRI / PERMESTA of the remnants of the Korean War, as used in the various conflicts in the Congo, Cuba, and Vietnam. Planes stationed at an airfield in the Philippines, a place that is also used to train crews before being sent to the region PERMESTA.

A number of modifications done in order not to appear that they were prepared by the United States which have advanced technology. Among the modifications made was changing the number of machine guns that originally had six barrel on the nose of the plane, into eight barrel.

On May 18, 1958, the amphibious task force (task force amphibius) ATF-21 Navy of the Republic of Indonesia which powered two transports and five minesweepers type protector ship quickly, led by Lieutenant Colonel (Marines / Marine Corps now) Hunholz with Chief of Staff Major Soedomo sailed close position off Ambon Island Three Mena II in order to carry out the operation in order to resolve the conflict with the goal of Morotai PERMESTA to seize airfields

The operation was supported by the P-51 Mustang and B-26 Indonesian Air Force and Motion Forces speedily (PGT, now Kopaskhas TNI AU). Troops who fell among others combined Marines, Army Forces KODAM BRAWIJAYA and Mobile Brigade (Brimob). Weapons stationed aboard various types of air deterrent.

Three weeks before Allen Pope was shot down, as an effort to wash your hands the United States (U.S.), the U.S. Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles stated boldly that what happened in Sumatra is Indonesia's internal affairs. U.S. not to interfere in the domestic affairs of other countries. Regarding the weapons in the hands of a fairly advanced PRRI and in Pekanbaru, the U.S. President, Dwight David Eisenhower held a news conference to provide information that the U.S. will remain neutral and will not take sides as long as nothing to do with the U.S..

He said that the weapons were discovered by military weapons that are easily found on the black market world. In addition, it is common where there is a conflict will be found mercenaries. What is said Eisenhower later became referrals. When later there is no U.S. pilots captured in Ambon and how he was caught, the U.S. ambassador in Jakarta quickly chimed in that person's mercenaries.

After John F. Kennedy became President of the United States, the U.S. relationship with President Sukarno had improved. President Sukarno himself said that he was the only U.S. president who understood his way of thinking. The United States government is also trying to free Harry Allen Pope.Menurut Rantung, one day before dawn the pope freed in February 1962.


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