Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Mystery of DB Cooper hijacking aircraft by

On November 24, 1971, a skinny, dark-haired man paid $ 20 at the airport in Portland, Oregon, to buy a one-way ticket to Washington. With a dark suit, tie clipped, sunglasses and polite appearance, no one thought that this man would do one of the most mysterious crimes in FBI history.

The man named Dan Cooper. He sauntered into the Boeing 727 Northwest Airlines and the airline had seat 18C. A few minutes after the plane took off, Cooper calling the flight attendant named Florence Schaffner, who was sitting nearby and handed a folded note.

Ms. Schaffner thinks Cooper just another fad man who tried to give me her number. So he received the note and save it directly into my pocket without looking at it.

"Miss, you'd better read the contents of the note. I have a bomb." Cooper whispered to Ms. Schaffner.

Cooper does not believe Ms. Schaffner granted. But he quickly opened the note and read the text contained therein. "I have a bomb in my suitcase. I will use it if necessary. Aircraft has been hijacked."

Cooper is also written in the note that he wanted the money as much as $ 200,000 in $ 20 bills and two parachutes and its two aircraft delivered to the reserve parachute while landing at the airport in Seattle-Tacoma, Washington.

Pilot William Scott who received the note from Ms. Schaffner then immediately contacted the air control center in Seattle and then immediately forward the message to the police and FBI. The FBI then asked the flight crew to comply with the wishes of the hijackers what they want is available.

Meanwhile Cooper sat quietly in the air while enjoying Bourbon and Soda.

At 17:24, the crew was informed that the request has been fulfilled Cooper. When the plane landed at Seattle-Tacoma airport, Scott Cooper immediately ordered the pilot to park the aircraft in a quiet place at the airport and turn off all the lights.

A crew was then ordered to take money out of the hands of the FBI and its parachute. Having money and parachute into the hands of Cooper, all 36 passengers and a stewardess Schaffner released. Only four crew who now is with him.

Until that time, FBI officials still do not understand why Cooper requested parachute.
At 19:40, when the aircraft has returned to the fuel diiisi, Cooper ordered the pilot to fly the plane to the Reno airport. There returning aircraft filled with fuel.

Cooper then ordered the pilot to fly the plane to Mexico with a speed of 170 knots below 10,000 feet in altitude. At that time also the relevant authorities have ordered two fighter planes hijacked follow.

And on the plane on the way to Mexico is Cooper legend begins. Not long after take off, Cooper ordered all crew to get into the cockpit while he was tying a parachute to his body and walked towards the stern plane.

In the cockpit, the crew saw the indicator light and the air pressure changed drastically. Promptly at 20:13, they feel the door with a loud voice stern plane. Someone seems to have opened!

Pilot Scott then shouted into the microphone, "Do you need anything?"
"No!" Cooper said.
It was the last word that was heard by the crew. The weather outside the aircraft when it was pouring rain.

Two hours after the incident, the plane landed back at the airport in Reno with the condition of the stern doors open.

FBI agents and local police immediately surrounded and stormed in and check out all the best angles. They found the remains of two parachutes, cigarette butts, a black tie with a brace. They did not find Cooper, suitcase containing the money and two parachutes others.

The FBI has concluded that Cooper jumped from the plane. But the fighter pilot whose plane was followed pleaded not see a person jumping from the stern door. But they also acknowledge that the weather was dark and heavy rain may have made their view is limited.

The search for Cooper continued in 1971 until 1972. But the effort was in vain. Cooper disappeared like a swallowed by the earth.

Then the FBI began to focus its attention on the ransom. $ 20 bills given to Cooper is money printed in 1969 with a serial number beginning with "L". The FBI sent a warning about this to all financial institutions in America. But the effort is also vain. This indicates that the money may not have been entered into the market.

In 1978, seven years after Cooper disappeared, a hunter found a plaque that contains instructions on how to lower the aft door of Boeing 727 aircraft in a location that is just minutes away from landing sites Cooper.

Then, in 1980, the trail begins to cool again warmed up after a boy named Brian Ingram found the sum of $ 5,880 in the form of $ 20 bills that had been destroyed in the Columbia River. The FBI found the serial number is the same as the money that has been given to Cooper.

Does this mean the Cooper drowned in the Columbia River? or is it just a bunch of money regardless of the backpack Cooper?

These questions never seem to get a definite answer. According to the FBI profiling, Cooper probably is someone who knows the Seattle area well, had served in the air force and have experience in parachuting.

On December 31, 2007, 36 years after the famous hijacking, the FBI released the sketch of Cooper's face, this time accompanied by a picture when he got older. In a press release, the FBI also said that they do not believe Cooper survived the jump it, but they still want to know his identity.

The fact that the FBI released a sketch Cooper back after 36 years shows that they are not willing to give up to solve this case.

Official statement from the FBI recently discovered that the name Dan Cooper was derived from a French comic character published in 1960. So maybe it's not the name of Cooper's real name.

In the course of the investigation, the FBI compiled a list of suspects that reach up to 1,000 people. Of the 1,000 suspects, there are three people who may draw the most attention. Namely Richard McCoy Jr., Duane L Weber and Kenneth P Christiansen.

Not long after the Cooper case, on April 7, 1972, a man named Richard McCoy Jr. boarded the plane the airline United Airlines in Denver and handed a note to a flight attendant that contains a $ 500,000 demand for money and four parachutes. Amazingly, he managed to escape in the same way as Cooper, plunging from stern door plane.

McCoy was arrested two days later after a friend of his report and he was sentenced to prison for 45 years. On August 1974, McCoy was shot dead after trying to escape from prison.

After the events of McCoy, a former FBI agent named Russell Calame published a book stating that DB Cooper and McCoy were the same man. In the book it is mentioned that the methods used by McCoy exactly the same with Cooper.

However, this theory can be disproved because McCoy only mimic what is done by Cooper. Moreover his face does not fit the description of witnesses.

Then in 2000, an article in U.S. News says that a widow named Jo Weber claimed that shortly before his death, her husband Duane L Weber admitted that he was Dan Cooper. Jo is suspicious and investigated his background and found amazing similarities with Cooper. Additionally Duane had to admit that he had a knee injury is due to jump out of planes.

Jo told me that in 1979 when he visited the Columbia River, Duane walks by the river alone like he was remembering something. Then Jo Cooper also found handwritten given to Ms. Schaffer exactly with her husband's handwriting.

He then told the results of its findings to the former head of the FBI is investigating the case called Himmelsbach Cooper. Himmelsbach agree that the two men have much in common. However, the investigation of Duane Weber was stopped because the FBI found that DNA and fingerprints Duane is not the same as the fingerprints found on the plane.

On October 29, 2007, New York Magazine released an article that says that a man named Kenneth P Christiansen has been identified as DB Cooper by a firm of private investigators. The article also mentions that Kenneth was a former army paratrooper, a former employee of flight, living in Washington near the location of piracy and are familiar with the characteristics of the local area well. The most suspicious is that he bought a property one year after the hijacking. He also likes to drink bourbon and smoke. And certainly, his face is very similar to the sketch of Cooper's face. But the FBI later rejected this theory because of height, weight and eye color does not match the description of witnesses.

This comparison photo with DB Cooper Kenneth Christiansen. See the amazing similarities between the two face, especially the nose, hair, forehead and ears.

After McCoy, Weber and Christiansen no longer get attention, In 2008, a lawyer from Washington named Galen Cook came up with incredible theories. According to DB Cooper was a man from San Diego named William Pratt Gosset.

Cook believes that the Cooper ransom taken stored in a safe deposit box in Vancouver on behalf of William Gosset, who died in 2003. The lawyer also said that the sketch released by the FBI in accordance with the William Gosset face.

According to Cook, Gosset once told his three sons that he was DB Cooper while demonstrating a safe deposit box key. Gosset also been admitted to a retired judge in Salt Lake City that he was DB Cooper.

The judge recalled the time when Gosset told him:
"In 1977, Gosset walked into my office and closed the door. He said that he may be in trouble for having hijacked a plane from Portland to Seattle a few years ago and had accidentally left his fingerprints on it. He said that he is DB Cooper. I immediately told him to shut up and do not do anything stupid and no longer raised the subject. "

Until now, there has been no official information from the FBI about William Gosset.
Until now, Cooper is still missing. Whether alive or dead. But the events of Cooper least has revolutionized the airline industry in America. Added metal detectors at many airports. Some new regulations were added. Even one year after the events of Cooper, all Boeing 727 aircraft are required to install a device called a "Cooper Vane" that could prevent the stern door is opened during flight.

In its status as a mysterious criminal, arguably DB Cooper has achieved the same status as that held by Jack The Ripper. But the extraordinary is, no one has ever seen the face of Jack the Ripper so it's not surprising that he was never caught. Problem Cooper, about 40 people watched her on the plane, but still, the FBI failed to catch him. This is what makes it a remarkable legend.

Cooper is also the case codenamed "Norjak" until now was the only aircraft piracy crimes solved not by the FBI.


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