Thursday, May 2, 2013

Imaginary Weapons 5 Most Dangerous And Deadly In World

To support the heroic actions of the heroes sometimes use a lot of weapons to fight their enemies. Ingeniously the filmmakers show remarkable weapon to attract the audience.
Despite the existence of fictitious, in fact, is capable of carrying weapons of wishful thinking in the audience to the greatness of such weapons. Even some of the characters are now identified with a particular weapon. Here is a list of imaginary deadly weapon as seen in feature films and television movies, told
1. Proton PackProton Pack is a fictional weapon used to weaken ghosts Ghostbuster team and help the ghosts to go back to their world. How to work with the system Proton Pack 'throwing' ghost particles like protons to be arrested. Proton-proton effective to reduce negative energy ghosts are stored in a backpack. Therefore this weapon called Proton Pack.
Proton Pack made by Dr. Egon Spengler of a scientist who is also a great quantum brain Ghostbuster team. In the first Ghostbuster movie, the weapons they use are "positron collider" function is the same weapon that produces beams of protons or particles. With this beam of negative energy that can be lost in ghosts until hantupun trapped. Proton Pack is not a weapon so early Ghostbuster. This popular new weapons used in the Ghostbuster 2, exactly at the scene when the Ghostbuster capture the ghost in the subway.
Actually how the Proton Pack is the same as operating system on cyclotrons. Cyclotron is akselator particles that emit charged particles spiral of terrain. However, these two tools differ much when the protons released. The fact that the proton is a devastating and harmful particles to tangible objects.
2. Oddjob hatOddjob is a fairly well-known figure in the James Bond films and comics. Oddjob character appears with a quirky look from the way he dressed to the way he was killed. Oddjob always appear with a hat, sunglasses and hip clothing hopnya many times James Bond made trouble by it, especially by Oddjob hat.
In the James Bond series, Nightfire, function and uniqueness Oddjob hat look, while Oddjob with his hat were able to return again within 30 seconds, like a boomerang. With this hat, Oddjob dropped his weapons easily, including James Bond.
3. Iron Man suitWith a dashing superhero, Iron Man appeared with a striking red dress. Thanks to this suit, the superhero could conquer his enemies. Unlike the knight outfit consisting of tens of kilograms of iron, the Iron Man suit is described consisting of two million sand that are like the cells, so these cells will join when the clothes you want to set. Each of these cells have their respective functions to supply energy and computerized weapons Iron Man. So that if one cell is damaged can be replaced with other cell functions.
When Tony Stark is designing clothes, he found a metal-consuming bacteria then die and leave the iron or gold. Of this metal piece outfit he formed following the Iron Man armor.
4. StingSting is a knife that is often taken by the main character Lord Of The Rings, Frodo. Told this magical blade made for the Hobbit. This knife had fallen into enemy hands after finally returning to the hands of the Hobbit Kaun Froddo. Miracles Sting is able to detect the presence of the nearby Goblin.
Sting will turn blue if there Goblin found nearby. In fact in Europe, Sting or which was designated Bilbo Blade is a dagger that does not have any specificity. Many thought the magic dagger Sting is only in the novel Lord of The Rings.
5. Light SaberLight Saber or laser sword is a sword that is often used Sith and Dark Jedi in battle in the world of Star Wars. To fight with this sword takes dexterity and strength to control it, therefore this blade is described dangerous for people who are not trained to hold it.
On the other hand, if this sword is the sword in the right hand shows the greatness of the unexpected to have an effect on the ability of the blade holder.

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