Thursday, May 9, 2013

Wisdom revelation of the Qur'an Separately and Staged

The revelation of the Qur'an, the Muslims Äôan emerging, both science and charity, it contains some wisdom in them:
First, simplify the unlettered Arabs (can not read and write) to memorize the letters in the Qur'an, Äôan. Moreover, at that time still hard to come stationery because kalangkaaannya. Also, at that time they were preoccupied by efforts to earn a living and defend the new religion was born with swords and souls. If only Al-Qur, Äôan derived in the form of Manuscripts at the same time, Muslims will undoubtedly find it difficult to memorize. Then the high wisdom wants Al-Qur, Äôan derived separately for ease of memorization.
Second, efforts to facilitate the understanding of the Qur'an, Äôan as stated in the first discussion.
Third, to separate the people of falsehood and misguided belief that had been believed. They are trained to leave it all little by little, as the Al-Qur'an, verse by verse Äôan lowered. Whenever Islam managed to destroy falsehood, then down another passage.
Thus, Islam started with the most important, and then the important underneath. Finally, Islam is able to free them from dirt and purify them without them knowing it and without feeling tired and obstruction. They did not want to return to tradition they have left. This is a wise strategy that needs to be done in building this great community education.
Fourth, the description of the right faith, correct worship, the main character who adorn themselves. With this, the people of Islam to start his education by separating them from polytheism, monotheism turn their hearts and promise of a good reply, opening their eyes to the arguments of tawhid, the evidence for the resurrection of the dead, and the arguments reckoning (counting very) , responsibility and reward.
Once this phase is complete, invite them to worship Islam. This phase starts from prayer before moving Messenger of Allaah, Äòalaihi wasallam to Madinah. Similarly, in habits, Islam forbids people commit major sins and denounce the perpetrators of torture.
Fifth, strengthen the hearts of the Muslims and arming them with patience and confidence.
If the knowledge gained by learning, then the way to get it was to go through bit by bit and take time.

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