Saturday, June 22, 2013

Dream about the fate of the Friends of Umar in the Grave

After the death of Sayyidina Umar bin Khattab, the second caliph's friends met through dreams. They also asked, "How does God treat you?"
In al-Aqthaf ad-Daniyyah replied Umar narrated that Allah has forgiven his mistakes and freed from his punishment. The companions replied with a follow-up question. "What causes it? Is it because generosity, justice, or kezuhudanmu? "
Umar menimbalinya to narrate the events in the grave. Moment after he was buried, two angels to him. Umar in tremendous fear. Lost his reason. Before the angel asked, suddenly sounding voice without a way.
"Leave my servant. Do not ask anything to him (Umar). Do not be made afraid. I love and torment him freed. When in the world, he had compassion for CVD bird. "
True. CVD bird story began when Umar was walking toward the town square and see a small child. Umar sad heart. The boy was seen while treating CVD memagang selayak bird toys.
Umar was moved to immediately buy the poor animals. Now the birds are fully belong Umar CVD. To save her from mistreatment boy, this was the second caliph mengikhlaskan CVD bird flew into the air with independence.
This proves that the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad had lodged strong in the hearts and Umar behavior. Although often look fierce, companions of the Prophet nicknamed "Lion of the Desert" was still showing gentleness.
Another message that can be captured that love is no coverage limit. The trees, rivers, soil, food, clothing, books, birds, dogs, and so on. Especially men. This is in line with the hadith narrated by Abdullah bin Umar.
"People are merciful will obtain mercy of the Merciful. Berbelaskasihlah to every creature on earth, undoubtedly 'sky people' love you. "(Mahbib Khoiron)

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