Thursday, June 13, 2013

Israeli soldiers forced Palestinian Muslim man drinking wine

Israeli intelligence soldiers forcing a Palestinian man origin Beit Ummar drinking wine at a checkpoint yesterday evening.

Resistance Committee spokesman Development Bank barrier and Israeli settlements Muhammad Ayyad Awad said soldiers stopped Abu Dayyah, 24, who came from near Safa neighborhood Beit Ummar, then forced her into a checkpoint, as reported by news agency Maan, Wednesday (12/6 ).

Abu Dayyah forced to give the name of the youth who are involved in a clash with Israeli soldiers in Hebron City.

When Abu Dayyah declined to name the soldier was brought in the intelligence officer who handed me a list of names and asked local youth recognize those names.

Abu Dayyah stood his refusing to give any information. Israeli intelligence was then pointing a shotgun to the back of his head and told him to drink a bottle of wine.

Awad Abu Dayyah stated after drinking a bottle of wine that he was drunk and passed out for an hour. He then awakened Israeli soldiers then thrown out of the checkpoint.

Residents who saw Abu Dayyah brought Israeli army confirmed the man's mouth smelled of alcohol.

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