Saturday, June 22, 2013

Reason Sleep Prophet door

Siti Aisyah RA fully understand the personality of her husband, the Prophet Muhammad. Live in a family atmosphere gives a rich fond memories of God's messengers daily attitude. 

Unknown Prophet never complained despite unfavorable circumstances. His heart is very roomy. The Prophet did not medapati never any food for breakfast at her kitchen table.

 Instantly Prophet intends fasting for the day. 

That's it. Prophet did not want to be a burden to others, including his own family. The Prophet even always call Aisha with intimate greeting "yes Humaira" (O rosy cheeks owners). 

Another experience that it's been burned in the hearts of Aisha is "incident in the early morning". 

One day Aisha dicengkram worry. Until the dawn it did not meet her husband is sleeping next to him. 

Aisha anxiously tried to walk out. When the door opened, Aisha widened in shock. Prophet was sleeping in front of the door. 

"Why the Prophet sleep here?" 

"I come home late at night. Fearing disturb your sleep, I did not have the heart to knock on the door. Which is why I was sleeping in the front door," replied the Prophet. 

Thus, it is not strange, every Aisha asked about the Prophet's personality, he always replied firmly, kana khuluquhu Qur'an. Not unlike the moral of the Koran! (Mahbib Khoiron)

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