Thursday, June 27, 2013

Responding to Russian Military Power

In the era of the leadership of President (now Prime Minister) Vladimir Putin, Russia's once called the Soviet Union eventually bounce back after their country ransacked States along with its allies in the 70-90s. Russia is "poor" in the 1990s, Russia has now grown into a country with a strong economy and military with China.

Amid the financial crisis that hit the United States and the European Union, on December 22, 2008, First Deputy Chairman of the Russian Military Industrial Commission, said the Russian military anggara (2009-2001) reached U.S. 35.3 billion (equivalent to USD 378 billion **). This fund is used to finance the production of armaments and military equipment. "In reality, the budget expenditure for this year will reach 1 trillion rubles ***", said Vladislav Putilin.
He also stated that the government has approved a request by the Russian Ministry of Defense 2009-2011 budget of 4 trillion rubles (1510 trillion). [This figure is much larger than the Indonesian national budget of less than 1000 trillion]. Russia is also planning on improving the quality of more than 400 new weapons, materials, and components of military equipment.
During the period 2009-2011, will add 70 Russian strategic missiles, 30 Iskander missiles, and the number of jets and transport planes. Putilin added, "Russia will buy 38 aircraft, 6 reconnaissance aircraft, over 60 helicopters, 14 warships, and nearly 300 tanks and more than 2,000 combat vehicles."
Addressing the Military Power
Increasing military budgets of China, Russia, India and Brazil late this year suggests a revival of the four countries "the new superpower" in the 21st century. Economic revival is always followed by an increase in military spending. Why?
When examined, the military force apparently is one way to strengthen the bargaining position both politically, economically and technology to other countries. For over 2 decades, Russia "very upset" against those who make Sovietnya Union destroyed in 1991. Russian annoyance deepened when "Russian allies" such as Georgia, Ukraini, Kosovo fell to the anti-Russian Revolution instigated by the United States.
Opportunity to enlarge its military without rejection countries of the world had arrived. By the time the U.S. plans to build missile defense system in the former Russian allies in Central Europe (Poland, Czech), and in conjunction with the U.S. economic collapse, Russia to freely increase its military strength with reason "menpertahankan out against American allies". This condition is different from China, while increasing military spending in years 2003,2004,2005,2006, China's political criticism of the U.S., Japan, Australia and the European Union. [Russia managed to seize the moment "carelessness" AS].
In this brief period, the Russian military buildup just to stem as well as bringing "friends" ever (former allies and Russia regions) which have been instigated by the U.S. and allies to rejoin Russia. Another thing is to improve its bargaining position in the international community, both in economic, trade, political and territorial boundaries. In addition, Russia wants to return me "renaissance" like the Soviet Union of the past.
The Russian military anggara to Some Countries  
Budget Russian army occupies the 5th position after the U.S., France, Britain, and China. Although far below the U.S., but the use of the budget "country Kremlin" is much more effective than "Uncle Sam". Just imagine, most of the U.S. military anggara used to finance the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Meanwhile, Russia's focus on building a military force internally.
The following data and rank countries military budget (in U.S. dollars) 1. American: $ 711.0 billion (2009) 2. France: $ 61.5 billion (2008) 3. UK: $ 61.3 billion (2008) 4. China: $ 60.0 billion (2008) 5. Russia: $ 50.0 billion (2009) 6. Japan: $ 48.9 billion (2008) 7. Germany: $ 45.9 billion (2008) 11. India: $ 26.5 billion (2008) 13. Brazil: $ 24.0 billion (2009) 32. Indonesia: $ 4.7 billion (2008) *)
Russia in the list of 20 States with the Largest Number of Military ranks fifth after China, America, India, and North Korea. *) Indonesia is in a position to 32 milliliters with expenditure amounting to 44 trillion rupiah (Rp 9300 per U.S. dollar exchange rate) or only 0.6% of the U.S. military budget. 

Impact of Military Power 

The emergence of a new military force both Russia and China have a huge impact. Positively, the rise of the military forces of both countries are able to keep even be an alternative to the hegemony of American forces for nearly one century. It also means that hegemony and unilateral between the U.S. and its allies would soon be over.
For Indonesia, with the advent of two military forces in Asia, will provide confidence in the Indonesian military as well as economic revival in the future. Indonesia should respond wisely to the China-Russia military policy. We need to work together (if you can) military technology, and reduce dependence on the U.S. military arsenal. On the other hand, Indonesia could begin to rise from the clutches of the U.S. and its allies through the Asian balance of power.
Negative impacts that inevitably arises is the arms race that led to war, both the cold war, "hot" or outer space. Indonesia, which has a strategic geographical area with a large population will be the target of new superpowers as a "shield" its military power. In this regard, Indonesia should begin to be consistent with the foreign policy, namely the Non-Active.
Could the rise of China-Russia military would threaten world peace??

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