Saturday, June 22, 2013

Umar causes of Crying in Front of the Prophet

Umar bin Khattab record a moving experience when visiting the Prophet SAW home. Umar saw a very exalted supreme leader was lying on a mat rude nan damaged. 

Umar grief grew when worn texture mat made an impression on the back of the Prophet. In the presence of the Prophet, "Desert Lions" is also shed tears. 

"What makes you cry, O Umar?" asked the Prophet. 

"I saw Khusraw and other kings enjoy sleeping in bed luxurious silk repose. But here I saw you sleeping mats of this kind." 

Gently, Prophet menimpalinya with an advice. 

"O Umar, do you not agree with me. We prefer to choose happiness while they choose the world hereafter." 

Umar heart vibrates to hear the
answer. Umar grateful to be a living witness of the greatness and glory of the Prophet personally, a very respected man was elected. (Mahbib Khoiron)

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