Friday, June 28, 2013

Watch a dance drama Ariah, Jokowi sit with residents

Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo (Jokowi) Ariah comes to the event along with the Chairman of the Democratic Party of Struggle Megawati Sukarnoputri. In addition, there is also the Mega daughter, Puan Maharani and artist Banyu Biru.

But Mega would not comment about the colossal drama. Bung Karno daughter is actually throwing a smile when dicecar a number of questions.

While Jokowi was just smiling. After the road with Mega, Jokowi invited around the stage by Banyu Biru to the stage shown Lesbian economy class audience.

Then, Jokowi open door economic class and asked residents to immediately enter. The reason, he wanted to watch people sitting on the floor with Ariah. This show takes place in the southern area of ​​the monument.

"Yeah Lesbian, Bu Mega baseball lah. Yeah this is a great location close to the stage," said Jokowi brief, Friday (28/6). 

Residents shouted, "Long live the people Jokowi party."

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