Saturday, June 22, 2013

When the Prophet reads Stomach

Once when the Prophet became prayer leader. The Companions are a congregation behind him heard menggerutup as if the joints in the body of the Prophet shifted between each other. 

Hadrat Umar who do not stand to see the state of the king immediately asked after the
prayer, "O Messenger of Allah, we looked as if the hosts suffered a very tough, are you sick?" 

But he answered, "Nothing. Alhamdulillah, I'm healthy and fresh. " 

Companion Umar heard this answer the question continued, "Then why every time you move your body, as if we heard the joints in the body rub host? We are sure you're sick ... " 

See the anxiety on the faces of his companions, the Prophet lifted his robe. The friend was shocked. It turns out that the Prophet stomach deflated, looked dililiti sheet containing gravel to resist hunger. Small stones that are causing subtle sounds whenever Rasulullah body moving. 

Ventured Umar said, "O Messenger of Allah! Is there when you declare hungry and had no food, and we were only going to stay silent? " 

He replied softly, "Not the best friend. I know, what else would you sacrifice for the sake of this Rasulmu. But what shall I answer to God later, if I as a leader, be a burden for his people? " 

The friend just stunned. Prophet said, "Let this famine as a gift of God for me, that one day my people do not go hungry in this world no more so hungry later in the Hereafter." (Anam) 


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