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is a human figure widely touted in Islam, this creature is a person who
will mislead people before the arrival of the Day of Judgment. Figure
at describing the one-eyed creature with writing Arabic letters
kaf-fa-ra dikeningnya as once told by the Prophet Muhammad in the hadith
narrated by At Tirmdzi
"Is not it true that one-eyed, and written in between the two eyes of the Dajjal pagan word, which can be read by every believer." (Agreed alaih) And in another narration states: "Written between his two letters kaf, fa ', and ra '. "(Narrated by At-Tirmidhi)
Hadith narrated by Muslim, from bi Nawwas Sam'an: Rasullulah SAW said, "The Dajjal is a young man with curly hair, her eyes right Celek, I menyerupakannya with Abdul Uzza bin Qathan (men of Quraish who live in the age of ignorance). If anyone were to see him read surat Al-Kahf. He came out of a road between Sham and Iraq, and he did perish and fro "
In a hadith history yyang tell others that the Antichrist is a man who has a big tall posture, it is based on the narrative of a sailor named Tamim Ad-Kriten From the times of the Prophet Muhammad who were stranded in an island along with 30 of his men. Tamim on the island met with a man who has a huge posture
"Is not it true that one-eyed, and written in between the two eyes of the Dajjal pagan word, which can be read by every believer." (Agreed alaih) And in another narration states: "Written between his two letters kaf, fa ', and ra '. "(Narrated by At-Tirmidhi)
Hadith narrated by Muslim, from bi Nawwas Sam'an: Rasullulah SAW said, "The Dajjal is a young man with curly hair, her eyes right Celek, I menyerupakannya with Abdul Uzza bin Qathan (men of Quraish who live in the age of ignorance). If anyone were to see him read surat Al-Kahf. He came out of a road between Sham and Iraq, and he did perish and fro "
In a hadith history yyang tell others that the Antichrist is a man who has a big tall posture, it is based on the narrative of a sailor named Tamim Ad-Kriten From the times of the Prophet Muhammad who were stranded in an island along with 30 of his men. Tamim on the island met with a man who has a huge posture
Tamim said "The guy is the biggest we've ever seen, the most powerful and hands shackled dileher, between the knees and ankles shackled by iron". What is told by Tamin Ad-From the 5th century ago has happened and we can see today, the following story:
When the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam after doing the prayer, he sat on the pulpit smiling and said, "Let every man remain in his prayer." Then he continued, "Do you know, why I gathered you?." They said , "Allah and His Messenger who better understood." he said, "By Allah, I did not collect because you love or hate. I gather you guys because Tamim ad Dari, a Christian believer, has berbaiat converted to Islam and he told me about a problem that according to what I have to tell you guys about the Still Ad Dajjal. He told me that he had never been on a boat with thirty people consisting of people who are diseased skin and leprosy. Then they slammed the surf for a month at sea, then they seek refuge on an island in the middle of the ocean to arrive in the setting of the sun.

Mediterranean Sea in northwestern Arabian Peninsula or south-east Europe
the narrative of the Prophet Muhammad about what is conveyed by Tamim
Ad-From him which is when Tamim Ad-From bobbing amid the ocean then
stranded on an island there stated that he was up in the setting of the
sun it can be concluded that Tamim Ad-From located to the west of the Arabian Peninsula (where the setting sun). Sea
in the Arabian Peninsula is west of the Red Sea and the Mediterranean,
the Red Sea is geographically less extensive sea and the waves were not
so big so it can be said that almost does not make sense if Tamim
Ad-From hempas waves can be up to one month old. From
the conclusion, there is only one possibility that Tam Ad-From being
stranded in the Mediterranean sea and in one island in the Mediterranean
Sea around the European region.
. Next Then they use a small boat and entered the island. There they met with an animal fur is very dense to not look where the front and which the back, because the dense fur. They said to the beast, "Woe to you! Who are you? "Beast said," I am Al Jassasah. "They asked," Is Al Jassasah it? "He replied," O people, go to the person who is in this monastery, because he missed the news of you. " said Tamim, "When the animal called man, we stay away from it because we are afraid of the beast is the devil.
Before Tamim Ad-From being met with then-known fact that the creature is the Antichrist, he met with a figure that has yet to know the actual animal or creature Jin. Chances are Jin because if the animal then of course he will not be able to speak to Tamim Ad-Dari. The creature Jassasah megaku as Al, Al-jassasah itself can be interpreted to head scout or spy (tajassus), he also has a very thick fur and difficult to differentiate where the front and which the back. Until now, scientists are still investigating Islam being what exactly meet Tamim Ad-From the.
From the conversations that Tamim requested by the hairy creature to enter a monastery or place of worship. A place there is the monastery (place of worship) around the Mediterranean when it is Italian (Roman) or the surrounding areas, however, Sheikh Imran Hussein more confident when the island in question is English.
Next: Then we set off quickly until we entered the monastery, suddenly there was a man who was very large and well-built body, his hands shackled to her neck, her knees anatar and ankles chained with iron.
. Next Then they use a small boat and entered the island. There they met with an animal fur is very dense to not look where the front and which the back, because the dense fur. They said to the beast, "Woe to you! Who are you? "Beast said," I am Al Jassasah. "They asked," Is Al Jassasah it? "He replied," O people, go to the person who is in this monastery, because he missed the news of you. " said Tamim, "When the animal called man, we stay away from it because we are afraid of the beast is the devil.
Before Tamim Ad-From being met with then-known fact that the creature is the Antichrist, he met with a figure that has yet to know the actual animal or creature Jin. Chances are Jin because if the animal then of course he will not be able to speak to Tamim Ad-Dari. The creature Jassasah megaku as Al, Al-jassasah itself can be interpreted to head scout or spy (tajassus), he also has a very thick fur and difficult to differentiate where the front and which the back. Until now, scientists are still investigating Islam being what exactly meet Tamim Ad-From the.
From the conversations that Tamim requested by the hairy creature to enter a monastery or place of worship. A place there is the monastery (place of worship) around the Mediterranean when it is Italian (Roman) or the surrounding areas, however, Sheikh Imran Hussein more confident when the island in question is English.
Next: Then we set off quickly until we entered the monastery, suddenly there was a man who was very large and well-built body, his hands shackled to her neck, her knees anatar and ankles chained with iron.
We asked, "Who are you here?" He replied, "You have to reveal my story, because it notify me who exactly are you?" They replied, "We are people from Arabia. We boarded the boat and we were adrift at sea mocked the surf for a month, then we find a shelter to your island by boarding a small boat that is here and then we go in this island, and we met an animal whose fur is very dense to not visible where qabulnya and where their anus because of dense fur. Then we asked, "Woe to you! Who are you? " He replied, "I am Al Jassasah." We asked, "Is Al Jassasah it?" He replied, "Go to this man in the monastery, because he missed the news of you." Then we rushed to see him and left him, and we felt unsafe wondered if he was the devil. " He (the man) said, "Please be telling us about the village of Nakhl Baisan." We replied, "About what?" He said, "On its date, whether fruitful?" We replied, "Yes."
He said, "Behold, verily date palm trees will not bear fruit again."
Let us discuss about the content of the dialogue and we skewer with a reality that happened today. Big tall man in the encounter by Tamim Ad-Of those asked about the dates in the Baisan. Baisan or Bisan) is a city located in the district of North District of Israel which plays a very important role in history based on geographic location located at the intersection of the river valley and the Jordan River Valley Jezreel valley. The city also plays a very important role in the modern world, where it acts as a regional hub for several surrounding villages Beit She'an Valley Regional Council. (Wikipedia Indonesia)
Keep in mind the area Baisan (Beit She'an) when it is an area lush with plants dates are very numerous and fruitful fairly dense, Baisan was in Palestine in Al-Ghaur north adjacent to the river Goliath that mengelir in plantations Ibn Amir. Armageddon in the book written by Vishnu Saso there mentioned that Israel often makes Baisan as an attack target, thereby causing destruction at Baisan palm plantations, mostly palm trees die while others are stunted so that the fruit produced very little.
Baisan itself is currently in Israel and more power functioned as a place of tourism, which automatically diutamakkan tourism sector more than crop agriculture with its date. Such conditions would cause the dates are not easily found in the Baisan again, maybe this is what is implied by the Antichrist with the words "Behold, verily date palm trees will not bear fruit again."
One area Baisan, was not seen again trees Dates Baisan one corner of the city that has been destroyed by Israeli attacks Currently Beisan region
he asked, "Please tell me about the lake Ath Thabariyah." We asked,
"tenatang what?" He asked, "Is there any water?" We replied, "a lot of
water." He said, "You know actually the water will run out . "
Lake Thabariyah (Lake Tiberias) or better known as the Sea of Galilee / Galilee or in Hebrew is called Kinnerot or Gennesaret. Thabariyah lake located in the Golan Heights east of Palestine. Now the lake is controlled by the Jews. Since 2000, the lake has experienced drought Thabariyah very quickly and drastically, even the channels of water flowing out of the lake, especially around Jordan's left as solokan-small solokan (story here). According to some experts and researchers, Thabariyah lake will dry in less than 100 years. Even some of them say that this lake will dry in less than 50 years, note the condition of the lake of Tiberias perbrdaan between then and now
Lake Thabariyah (Lake Tiberias) or better known as the Sea of Galilee / Galilee or in Hebrew is called Kinnerot or Gennesaret. Thabariyah lake located in the Golan Heights east of Palestine. Now the lake is controlled by the Jews. Since 2000, the lake has experienced drought Thabariyah very quickly and drastically, even the channels of water flowing out of the lake, especially around Jordan's left as solokan-small solokan (story here). According to some experts and researchers, Thabariyah lake will dry in less than 100 years. Even some of them say that this lake will dry in less than 50 years, note the condition of the lake of Tiberias perbrdaan between then and now
Location of lake Thabariyah
In the official website of the Sea of Tiberias published a call for Israelis to save on water usage, this call something like this:
Kineret, Israel's main reservoirs of fresh water, dries! . Years of rainfall falls below average and has led to declining water levels up to the "black line," water can not be pumped without causing severe damage to the water supply as a whole. Although there are plans to build a desalination plant, they will not be operational for several years, so it is our duty to conserve water!
Next: Then he said again, "Tell me about the country 'Ain Zughar." We asked, "About what?" He replied, "Is the source still out of water that can be used people for watering the plants?" We replied, "The water is aplenty, and people use it for watering their crops. "
Note that The Receding water
In the official website of the Sea of Tiberias published a call for Israelis to save on water usage, this call something like this:
Kineret, Israel's main reservoirs of fresh water, dries! . Years of rainfall falls below average and has led to declining water levels up to the "black line," water can not be pumped without causing severe damage to the water supply as a whole. Although there are plans to build a desalination plant, they will not be operational for several years, so it is our duty to conserve water!
Next: Then he said again, "Tell me about the country 'Ain Zughar." We asked, "About what?" He replied, "Is the source still out of water that can be used people for watering the plants?" We replied, "The water is aplenty, and people use it for watering their crops. "
Note that The Receding water
Yaqut says, "People trusted told me that Zughar located at the end of a foul-smelling lake in a valley there. The
distance between the spring with Baitul Maqdis along a three night
trip, the area is on the city side of the Hijaz, and they had a
plantation there [See Mu'jamul Buldaan (III/142-143), and the
book-Nihaayah an FII Ghariibil Hadiits ( II/304)].
Air Zughar own eyes still connect with Thabariyah Lake, located south of the lake, into the realm of Syrians. This spring to be the main pedestal for residents Syrians and Palestinians in irrigate their plantations. Dry lake would Thabariyah Zughar accompanied by dryness. Or it could be otherwise, Zughar is first dried and then followed by the dry lake Thabariyah
He said again, "Please tell me about the unlettered Prophet, if he does?" We replied, "He has left Mecca migrated to Yathrib" He asked, "Do the Arabs fight it?" We replied, "Yes." He asked again, "What he has done to them?" Then we let you know that he is helping the Arabs who followed him, and they obey him. He asked, "Is that right?" We replied, "Yes." He said, "Praise be to Allaah Know better for them to stick with it. And need I tell you that I am the Messiah (Ad Dajjal), and I would be allowed to come out, which I will be wandering the earth, then none of my village but flown for forty nights except Mecca and Thaybah, since both This city forbidden to me.
The proximity of time between the arrival of the last Prophet with such doomsday nearby middle finger and index finger. Whereas before the Day of Judgment, the Antichrist will be released and allowed to travel to all corners of the earth. No wonder when asked the Dajjal. And Dajjal alone justifies nubuwwah Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, even justify those who follow it.
Then Dajjal for 40 nights to wander around the town, except Makkah and Madinah. This is a sign of privilege Makkah and Madinah. Although the two cities are not spared from these slanders are great, but the two cities were spared from the greatest fitnah.
Next: Every time I want to enter one of them, I was confronted by an angel wielding a sword. And in each aisle there is an angel who guard it. "Fatimah said," The Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said while match (put) his little stick to the pulpit, "" This is Thaybah, here Thaybah, here Thaybah, ie Madinah. Remember not I already tell you about it? "People responded," Yes. "Then he said," I wonder at the story of Tamim in accordance with what I have told to you, also on the city of Medina and Mecca. Know that he bearada at sea Sham or sea Yemen. Oh no, but he will come from the East ... from the East ... from the east ... "And his gesture with his hand pointing towards the East. Fatimah said, "So I memorized this from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam." (Narrated by Muslim, from Fatimah bint Qais, Abu Hurayrah,' A `isyah, and Jabir, Fathul Bari 13:328).
Already it is apparent explanation Tamim Ad From the Dajjal whom he met in Europe earlier. Dajjal will be released for 40 days, and justify Rasoolullah story of Tamim Ad.
Sources: http://www.realifactpost.com/2013/05/fakta-nyata-perkataan-dajjal-dalam.html
Air Zughar own eyes still connect with Thabariyah Lake, located south of the lake, into the realm of Syrians. This spring to be the main pedestal for residents Syrians and Palestinians in irrigate their plantations. Dry lake would Thabariyah Zughar accompanied by dryness. Or it could be otherwise, Zughar is first dried and then followed by the dry lake Thabariyah
He said again, "Please tell me about the unlettered Prophet, if he does?" We replied, "He has left Mecca migrated to Yathrib" He asked, "Do the Arabs fight it?" We replied, "Yes." He asked again, "What he has done to them?" Then we let you know that he is helping the Arabs who followed him, and they obey him. He asked, "Is that right?" We replied, "Yes." He said, "Praise be to Allaah Know better for them to stick with it. And need I tell you that I am the Messiah (Ad Dajjal), and I would be allowed to come out, which I will be wandering the earth, then none of my village but flown for forty nights except Mecca and Thaybah, since both This city forbidden to me.
The proximity of time between the arrival of the last Prophet with such doomsday nearby middle finger and index finger. Whereas before the Day of Judgment, the Antichrist will be released and allowed to travel to all corners of the earth. No wonder when asked the Dajjal. And Dajjal alone justifies nubuwwah Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, even justify those who follow it.
Then Dajjal for 40 nights to wander around the town, except Makkah and Madinah. This is a sign of privilege Makkah and Madinah. Although the two cities are not spared from these slanders are great, but the two cities were spared from the greatest fitnah.
Next: Every time I want to enter one of them, I was confronted by an angel wielding a sword. And in each aisle there is an angel who guard it. "Fatimah said," The Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said while match (put) his little stick to the pulpit, "" This is Thaybah, here Thaybah, here Thaybah, ie Madinah. Remember not I already tell you about it? "People responded," Yes. "Then he said," I wonder at the story of Tamim in accordance with what I have told to you, also on the city of Medina and Mecca. Know that he bearada at sea Sham or sea Yemen. Oh no, but he will come from the East ... from the East ... from the east ... "And his gesture with his hand pointing towards the East. Fatimah said, "So I memorized this from the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam." (Narrated by Muslim, from Fatimah bint Qais, Abu Hurayrah,' A `isyah, and Jabir, Fathul Bari 13:328).
Already it is apparent explanation Tamim Ad From the Dajjal whom he met in Europe earlier. Dajjal will be released for 40 days, and justify Rasoolullah story of Tamim Ad.
Sources: http://www.realifactpost.com/2013/05/fakta-nyata-perkataan-dajjal-dalam.html
Dajjal has already ruled for forty days -
Where is zughar spring? What's the latest report? It have been fully dried now?
ReplyDeleteWhere is zughar spring? What's the latest report? It have been fully dried now?