Friday, June 14, 2013

5 Anger Ahok city government faced civil behavior

Vice Governor of Jakarta figure Tjahaja Basuki Purnama (Ahok) are known to be firm and not indiscriminately. He often expressed his frustration in public.

Not infrequently the people around him also had received, one of which is the civil servants in the city government. Ahok anger is not without reason.

Most anger fueled maximum performance of his subordinates not work. This was done to fix the bureaucracy and change the behavior of civil servants in the city government that works lazy.

Here's anger Ahok facing civil servants in the conduct of city government:
1. Ahok mad clueless civil servants
13 days after being appointed Vice Governor of Jakarta, Ahok chaired the meeting. At the meeting Ahok scold who noted the contents of the minutes of the meeting only with a piece of paper and a pen.

Plus PNS was not recorded what the content of the meeting. Though there is a laptop that should be used. Ahok was furious and immediately snapped the PNS.

"There is a laptop sight, let me quickly should use laptops do not use your hands, the minutes had to intervene, so it was just a misunderstanding," he said. Ahok asked for the minutes that his side must be nimble and agile. "On average the minutes should be ten fingers, should be fast," he said.

This incident was uploaded to Youtube. The people can see clearly when the expression Ahok.
2. Cigarette carelessly, TKD cut
In Jakarta City Hall, Ahok prohibits civil servants and workers in the provincial government to smoke carelessly. In his office, Ahok does not provide special rooms for smoking.

Ahok smokers who did not confirm for anyone who want to smoke must be willing to smoke in the parking lot. If you still smoke carelessly, may be sanctioned.

"In this building there are ngerokok should not, and we wear amputation Regional Performance Allowance (TKD), so cut off the money," threatened Ahok.
3. Bad service Koja Hospital, Ahok call shucks bener
Koja Hospital care was still considered less than satisfactory. Ahok disappointed with the service of the emergency room (ER) Koja Hospital because patients can get in line for up to three days to get treatment.

In fact, Koja Hospital to hire consultants who did little cost of Rp 10 billion. In this case, Ahok to issue a rant.

"Koja Hospital already queuing three days in the ER. Though for consultants alone was USD 10 billion, what the hell, if Gregg's rough language right," said Ahok.
4. Ahok brain says civil servants should be in-tune up
Vice Governor of Jakarta Tjahaja Basuki Purnama (Ahok) return furious because administrative issues to live in the Flats (towers) Marunda complicated. Tenants must commute Housing Department-towers.
Ahok also insinuated the conduct of the city civil servants. Ahok upset because his subordinates as officials laud and forgot his duty to serve the public.

"The person must be in tune-up first. So the perception that we serve. We are not officials," he said.
5. Ahok threatened Headman Warakas pull his civil servant status
Mulyadi Warakas Headman ownership over three units in towers Marunda uncovered after the 'intel' Ahok successfully dismantled. As a result, the unit must be frozen by the provincial government.

Not only that, if Mulyadi still sorts again, the former Regent Pacific Islands do not hesitate to revoke the status of civil servants Mulyadi.

"If he was anything, we could roll his civil servants. Could stop if we process," said Ahok.


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