Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Dent plane Smash Mysterious Objects in the Air, UFO?

A Chinese passenger plane forced an emergency landing after hitting a mysterious object in the air. It is not known what the object is, the nose of the aircraft dented therefore clear.

Reported the Daily Mail, Tuesday, June 11, 2013, Air China aircraft carrier that was at a height of 26,000 feet when the incident occurred. Pilots were overwhelmed stabilize shaky plane.

Boeing 757 aircraft was eventually forced an emergency landing at an airport in China. Pilot shocked to see the damage. Severely dented the nose, such as hitting a hard object.

Investigation impasse when determining what objects are hit. Investigators do not believe that it was the act of a bird. Because, there is no trace of blood or feathers on aircraft damage.

As a result, wild speculation popping up in cyberspace. One of them said that the plane had crashed into a UFO or flying saucer.
The Sun quoted one of the British government's UFO watchers Nick Pope as saying that speculation is not impossible.

"Ministry of Defense and Civil Aviation Authority of the UK have been many reports that show that foreign objects such as UFOs and commercial aircraft are almost collide. A matter of time until the incident actually happened," said Pope.

Another theory written by Aviation Herald said that the plane was dented due to the possibility of hot air and growing very fast.

The incident came a week after three passengers claimed to see UFO over Scientology headquarters while trying to land at Gatwick Airport, England. They say, there is a large round flat object measuring about 100 feet silver.


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