Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Morals and Social Righteousness

By : Ahmad Mahfudzi Mafrudlo
One of the objectives of the creation of jinn and men only to worship Allah is ("Colour Kholaqtu-lJinna walInsa liya'budun Illa") and the revelation of the Qur'an and the Prophet goal is to enhance human morality. ("Innama bu'itstu liutammima makarimal Akhlaq") And do not forget that Islam upholds the good moral urgency of life in the world's rotation, the implication is amar ma'ruf and forbidding the evil.
Indeed morals related to manners, etiquette, manners, respect, obedience. Morals is a very valuable asset in kinship norms - norms of human life. Morals synonymous with long rails that can not be separated from the reality of problems in your life, not a long rail that become parasites in the liver but in the absence of the moral world at large would be without words and values.
Emphasizing the universal religion of responsibility, personal and social. Each individual is responsible for himself and is also responsible to him (the people) because it is people who live in a community of diverse scope. Thus giving the impression that every individual has the responsibility to bring the result of social responsibility. This statement would not be separated from the Holy book Koran statement saying that the word of faith (amanu) is a private component that always come with the phrase pious charity (aamilus-sholihat) containing social action.
In a hadith narrated by Muslim Prophet Muhammad bersabada "The most perfect believers faith is the most depraved kind." So faith made perfect nan whole person when people always pay attention to moral or always maintain and improve the moral, as doing so can be accounted for in the wider community .
Lately, we judge that the phenomenon that is the answer itself the development of society, a phenomenon not unilaterally dreamed and desired but has become rampant and indigenous traditions of the world, especially the moral degradation of the student or youth. Where the loss of moral passion of the youth of today, what are the implications of the lack of perfect total quality control of parents or loss previously akhlaqi community loved by the Companions and the Prophet himself.
Yet the logic of the development there has been a lot here, so it looks bright world above the clouds hanging up her wings earth this country. Therefore, perhaps we need to rethink our diversity training more leverage and substantial.
Ironically that happened was the loss of passion to understand religion in the formation of positive vitality nature enjoining unjust and good moral. And it's time good moral aura that created moral is what humans ranging from self implies a certain social communities in Quranic karimah. Amin yes rabbal alamiin.

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