From left: New York mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner and his wife Huma Abedin attend a news conference in New York, July 23, 2013. |
He wants to move on, and believes that he’s moved on, but can Weiner
really push past his sexual misconduct? The science isn’t encouraging.
It’s not the first time New York mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner has
been caught with his pants down — in 2011, he resigned from Congress
after he admitted to sending lewd pictures of himself to young women.
Yesterday’s revelation that, under the pseudonym “Carlos Danger,” he
again sent explicit texts and images to young women more than a year
after stepping down from political life raises questions the obvious
question— can Weiner’s sexual compulsion be controlled?
Weiner himself has not accepted the label of sex addict, but the candidate’s behavior meets a fundamental criterion for addiction:
his exhibitionist acts continued despite negative consequences. It’s
hard to imagine a better example of compulsive repetition: although he
lost his job and put his marriage,
family and entire political future at risk, the former Congressman
nonetheless engaged again in the exact type of online behavior that
brought him to public humiliation.
Even so, it’s still not clear whether sexual compulsions qualify as an addiction. The latest study
argued that they don’t, because hypersexual people process sexual cues
just like normal people do— and differently from the way addicts respond
to drug cues. But the question is far from resolved. And whatever you
want to call the issue, Weiner still has a problem, since compulsions
can be just as disruptive as addictions, and equally difficult to
Though exact statistics for hypersexual behavior are not known,
relapse rates for all compulsive disorders, including gambling and
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) are high, and they are generally
considered chronic, which means they never really go away, but can
re-emerge at any time.
While he would not comment on Weiner’s case, Rory
Reid, research psychologist at the University of California in Los
Angeles and a leading expert on hypersexuality, says “Relapse is common
in recovery work. Rates appear to vary depending on a number of factors
such as the severity or longevity of problem, the presence of
co-occurring disorders such as depression, ADHD [attention
deficit-hyperactivity disorder] and [others] and an individual’s level
of motivation to change.”
Treating sexually deviant behavior also involves two challenges that
don’t exist with alcohol and other drug addictions. Sexual behavior is
one of the strongest forces in biology, and the need to reproduce
represents a fundamental motivation. As a result, moderation, rather
than abstinence, is generally the only realistic goal.
Research on substance addictions shows that while moderation is
successful in less severe cases, it is often more difficult to achieve.
With abstinence, there’s only one option to maintain recovery: just
saying no, every time. But with moderation, the addict or compulsively
behaving person has to figure out when it’s OK to say yes and how to
deal with the craving that comes from engaging in just a little bit of
the problem behavior without losing control. “When people experience
problems with dysregulated behaviors such as eating or sex, it can be
much more challenging because the goal is to live in harmony with the
‘substance’ rather than abstain from it,” says Reid. That’s why it’s so
hard for people to alter their eating habits, since the desire to eat
can’t ever be completely turned off.
And while studies show
that the majority of people who suffer from alcohol and substance
addictions do recover eventually, usually without formal treatment or
even self-help groups, it’s not known if the same is true for sexual
compulsions. “There is no published data on long-term recovery rates
among hypersexual patients who have received treatment,” Reid says,
“This is disconcerting given that rehabs offering treatment for ‘sex
addiction’ charge thousands of dollars for their services but have no
outcome research to support their claims of being helpful.”
There is also little hope that such research will be forthcoming.
Politicians aren’t eager to fund sex-related research despite the fact
that such studies may be the only hope in improving outcomes for not
just those with sexual compulsions but for sex offenders as well, who
continue to commit sexually related crimes. In the meantime, recovery
should be an on-going effort — to be addressed one day at a time —
rather than a process with a finite end. Instead of thinking that “This
behavior is behind me,” as Weiner said in a press conference admitting
to the latest transgressions, he may have to learn to live with, rather
than leave behind, his actions.
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