Monday, April 22, 2013

Considered intervention, Hezbollah's warning to U.S.

A senior leader of Hezbollah, Friday (19/4), said the Lebanese people can handle their own representatives without political direction of any country, in reference to the United States.

Vice Chairman of the militia Sheikh Naim Qassem told the U.S. Ambassador Maura Connelly "we do not need your advice regarding the parliamentary elections or other problems".

When speaking in the group's student graduation ceremony, as reported by Xinhua - Reuters monitored in Jakarta on Saturday, Qassem said, "We reject the threats you accusing me all the time. We also do not want you to spread the echoes of Lebanon to the Syrian crisis."

In a recent interview with Future TV, Connelly said the U.S. government faces in dealing with the problems that put the cabinet under Prime Minister Najib Miqati as a result of the presence of Hezbollah in the government.

Connelly also called on the Lebanese to stay away from the conflict in Syria as far as possible, and accused the Lebanese involved in the fighting and described it as a violation of Lebanese own policy not to get involved.

In response, Qassem said, "The United States tried to spread the Syrian crisis to Lebanon, Jordan and other neighboring countries in order to change the internal Syrian arena." He added that the Syrian crisis "can not change the situation in Lebanon".

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