Monday, April 22, 2013

Iran: No Need Full Power to Destroy Israel

An Iranian military officers, General Atollah Salehi said his country was able to finish off Israel alone without the help of any party. It was expressed in reply to a statement the Israeli Military Commander Gen. Benny Gantz who said his country was able to finish off Iran alone.

It was announced by Salehi in a speech in commemoration of Day of the Military of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

"Our message to the illegitimate regime (Israel) is the same. We do not need to deploy the entire military of Iran (to destroy Israel)," said Salehi, quoted by the Daily Star, Thursday (18/4).

In such military event also showcased Iranian military parade as well as the launch of drone technology (unmanned) aircraft nicknamed the latest Iran Sahir (magician).

"Sahir is an unmanned stealth aircraft. He has surveillance cameras and air missiles," said Iranian military official, Brigadier General Farzad Ismaili.

Furthermore Ismaili said Iran's military strength continued to increase in recent months. The increase was mainly in the production of combat aircraft and military equipment.

Iran currently has one of the great military power and feared. In addition to the issue of developing nuclear weapons, Iran also has a full arsenal ranging from bombs, missiles, rocket launchers, assault rifles and others.

Combat vehicles owned too much like aircraft, tanks, warships, vehicle personnel carrier, and so on. This is what can be made ​​into a superpower like the United States against Iran phobia.

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