Monday, April 22, 2013

Steve Jobs' legacy to Startup

For the entrepreneur, the figure of Steve Jobs is like "god" is worshiped. Apple Inc. founder. who died in October 2011 that inspired a lot of people. Innovations that have made the digital industry and changed the lives of many people.

Devices such as iPod, iTunes, iPhone, and iPad is a "legacy" left by Steve Jobs to the generation of technology lovers. In addition to the smart devices, there are other, more valuable legacy, especially for startup, businessman and entrepreneur.

Technology Revolution
Steve Jobs was a visionary, a man who was instrumental in perkembangkan computer world. In addition to the world usher in the era of personal computers entering the alias PC, Steve Jobs also led the transformation of human culture to enjoy music (via the iPod and iTunes), enjoy the movie (via Pixar animated movies start 3D), as well as in communicating and accessing information (via iPhone and iPad).

Many products have outstanding music player before the first iPod, including Sony's Walkman. However, the new iPod was released in 2001 to seize the products. iPod, which later became Apple's iconic music, also still survive today. While iTunes, which also started in 2001, has revolutionized the digital music industry. This online music store changed the way people sell, buy, and distribute music.

The next revolutionary device is the iPad. If Apple has never released the iPad, a tablet computer may not be a trend as it is today. Touch screen technology has been found before the iPad. In fact, there are already other manufacturers are releasing an ebook reader and tablet computers.

In the early 2000s, Microsoft had introduced the Microsoft Tablet PC. While Hewlett-Packard has released the HP TouchPad. But it failed to reach the second product market.
In 2010, Apple released the iPad that brings together diverse-mobility function as an eBook reader, computer, and entertainment devices. The presence of the iPad revolutionized the digital industry.

Previously, in 2007, Apple also released the first generation iPhone, a device that marry computers and mobile telecommunications functions.

IPhone and iPad ignited the birth of creativity in the digital industry. Apple became the mecca of developers and programmers in developing applications. Now, there are how many apps listed in the App Store?

Three Character Leader
In a blog site Entrepreneur, Simon Sinek, author of Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Act, there are at least 3 characters need to be owned by the entrepreneur, who wants to lead like Steve Jobs.

First, he has a purpose and a reason to do something. He also has confidence in his work.

Second, he's disciplined and sticking to the principles which he believed.

Third, he's consistent. Every product that Apple has always developed to be different, and the marketing campaigns they always carry the same message: "Think Different".

Heritage List
Dominance of Steve Jobs makes his popularity is one level above the company and the products it develops. He reminded the entrepreneurs, that the only people who see the world in a way that berbedalah that could change the world.

There are many valuable lessons from Steve Jobs, especially about leadership, which can be learned by the entrepreneur:

He works not for the money. Since 1997, when it returned to Apple and served as its CEO, Steve Jobs only earns $ 1 per year. His wealth comes from stock that he owns in Apple and from selling Pixar to Disney.

Style "work not for the money" and then emulated by several entrepreneurs in the U.S.. Mark Zuckerberg, for example, volunteered himself to be paid only $ 1 per year starting in January 2013.

He focuses on the design. There's no Apple products are handled by Steve Jobs appeared with bad design. Apple products always look stylish, easy to use, and offers functions according to user needs. This encourages other brands to do the same in order to compete.

Innovation contagious, because he has indirectly forcing large companies to participate innovate. Innovation is the key to winning the competition.

The presence of the iPad and iPhone, for example, drive business innovation and technology in the telecommunications company. Among these innovations is a data service plan for users of both products.

Not only that. Computer companies and software were required to give birth to innovative and quality products. When all the competing companies release products and the best service, of course, the consumers too, who will benefit.


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