Monday, April 22, 2013

2012, Digital Startup Indonesia Down Drastically

Pilot companies (startup)-based digital experience rapid growth in 2011, where at that time there were about 800 startup is born. Year 2012, the birth of digital startup declined dramatically, there are only 350 startup that successfully recorded by StartupLokal community.

The digital businesses increasingly realize that building a startup is not easy. According to one initiator StartupLokal community, Ardianto Natali, a startup that most players have the technical background to think too much focus on the features of their website or product.

"Startup is an online business, company. Mindset they should not think of its website feature, but had to think about how to do marketing and selling their products," said Natali to KompasTekno, Friday (11/01/2013).

Natali record the existence of a startup type of daily deals that offer discounts or coupons to your website visitors in a short time. Of 44 daily deals startup that was born in a 6 month time series, which exists now only 12 remaining. Now, the dominant players are only 4 daily deals.

There are three highly growing industry in the year 2012, ie games for mobile devices, buying and selling online (e-commerce) and travel. Indonesian digital industry is dominated by a startup that makes games for mobile devices. However, strong growth is an e-commerce startup.

Jakarta Founder Institute Director Andy Zain, argued, reduced the number of startups in Indonesia is not caused by a poor investment climate. Everything is back to the business people, they had to create a marketing strategy so that their products can be known. And no less important, is the instinct to read the market.

"Indonesia has a huge potential in the low-end segment, why not play in that segment," said Andy some time ago.

Venture capitalists and individual investors continue to flock to Indonesia. But the problem, according to Natali, a startup that "investable" in Indonesian small amounts. This makes local investors to startup instead gave foreign investment penetration targets are Indonesian.

Investors not only looking for good ideas, they are looking for ideas that have been implemented and a product. In 2013, the major foreign companies from Japan, Singapore, and the United States, will be intensified cooperation with the Indonesian company to build a business here.


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