Monday, April 22, 2013

Is this the First Social Networking Made Mark Zuckerberg?

Facebook, the social networking site made by Mark Zuckerberg, arguably very successful, was transformed into the largest social network with billions of users worldwide.

But, did you know the first social networking site which was launched Zuckerberg was not Facebook?

Talent Mark has seen since Mark was 15 years old. At that time, he has created a page that shows the concept of social networking sites

Reporting from Huffingtonpost, 5 April 2013, a social news site specific hack computers, Y Hacker News posted a link to the Angelfire site, the Internet service that provides a free space for the site.

Posting it suggests the possibility of the first web page ever dibesut Zuckerberg.
Page was associated with AOL e-mail, To find out this page, the editor of the online magazine Motherboard, Adam Clark Estes, tracing the name of the page on the main screen.

And, Adam found Dr. name. Edward Zuckerberg, who is the father of Mark. The page also listed the name of Mark Zuckerberg at the source code of the page.

The search was also conducted pages Verge, which shows a section called The Web. This page brings the concept of social networking. Page created by Mark in 1999, when he was 15 years old, and still studying at high school in the first year.

The concept of the page it shows some thought Mark. For example, regarding the About Me, Mark wrote his personal profile.

"Hi, my name is ... Slim Shady. No, really, my name is Slim Shady. Just kidding, my name is Mark. I live in a small town near New York. I have fix this Website to allow multiple search engines will recognize This site, "wrote Mark.

From this page, Mark is known fan of rap music, Eminem and SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Mark Young even had time to make a poem on this page.

Other features on this page is Java Drawing Tool, The Vader Fader, Molecule Viewer, a category of things that labeled him the best version of The Best.


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