Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Related Explosion, Boston Police Search the Apartment A

Boston police continue to investigate the incident an explosion that killed three people Monday. The latest report, dozens of police and federal officers raided an apartment in the suburbs, the associated blasting.

CBS News reported, about 20 police officers accompanied by bomb disposal teams searched an apartment in the area of ​​Revere, Massachusetts. Police did not provide details about the plan searches and what they get in the operation.

However, according to the Daily Mail, a search conducted after eyewitness reports said the apartment owners around the police barracks a few times. It is not known who the person in question.

Locals said police brought along a brown bag typically used to include evidence of the location. A search was also carried out by the police and the FBI on homes in the area of ​​Ocean Avenue and Beach Street, assisted by sniffer dogs.

Previously, the FBI reportedly track the whereabouts of a suspicious man. In the CCTV footage, the man seen entering the restricted area during the marathon race was held.

The man known dark skinned and wearing a black shirt, carrying a back-pack and a bag of foreign accent. Saudi Arabia reported a man being interrogated Police Boston. Men are also victims of these injuries suspicious movement before the explosion occurred. However, it is still very early to say he is the culprit.

This guy willing to cooperate and answer police questions. He also denied any involvement in the bombing.

Source : http://dunia.news.viva.co.id/news/read/405664-terkait-ledakan--polisi-boston-geledah-sebuah-apartemen

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