Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Scientists carefully whether humans can have sex in space

Really instrumental in a number of animal research space. Russian scientists, milsanya, sending rats there. In a mission that took one month, the scientists will study whether the space travel will affect animal health.

Mission launch animals into space carried out on 19 April 2013, using Russian Soyuz 2 rocket launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan.

As written Space, 22 April 2013, the space rocket carrying a capsule carrying Bion-M1 by 45 rats, eight rats Gerbil-desert-rat, 15 geckos, and several other species.

The animals will spend a month in space, precisely at the height of 357 miles, or 575 kilometers above the Earth.

According to Nicole Rayl, project manager of NASA, sending animals into space research is a collaboration between NASA and the Russian biologist for 30 years. "This mission is carried out by the Russian Space Agency Roscosmos and given the name," Rayl said.

"In this mission, we guarantee that the animals will be returned to Earth safely. Teams of international scientists will continue to monitor the health of these animals," he said.

Biak evolve?
Roscosmos mission is not only to examine whether the animals will survive in outer space, but also to find out whether the animals can breed in outer space.

"One of the experiments that we do is to understand what zero gravity and solar radiation affects sperm development in mice," Rayl said.

The results of this mission will be used to understand whether humans could also have sex in space, and how space affects the temperature in the cardiovascular system function or circulatory system.

After one month orbiting in space, Bion-M1 capsule will fall to Earth. Scientists will directly collect animals to retrieve the data.

"For the animals were still alive when the capsule passes through the atmosphere. Scientists will euthanize or anesthetize the animals, because it is important to find the data from animals that are still alive," Rayl said.


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