Saturday, June 22, 2013

When Caliph Ali Losing Clothes

Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib loses his armor when leading shifin war. Though as a commander, the dress is very needed. Then it would be gembirannya Ali a few days later when no one told me that the dress was in the hands of Jewish merchants. 

Ali rebuke to the merchant, "armor that you offer mine. And as I remember, never give or sold it to anyone. " 

The Jews replied, "It's my own armor. I've never given or buy it from anyone. " 

Mutual claims of ownership occurs protracted, until they agreed to take the case to court. Who served the position of judge at the time was a loyal friend named Ali Syuraikh. 

Ali complained, "Mr. Judge, I demand this because Jews have mastered armor mine without my knowledge." 

Syuraikh turned toward the Jewish merchants and
asked, "Is it true allegations that Ali had armor that was in his hand?" 

"Not. Armor is mine, "protested Jews insisted. 

"I've heard him," said Ali rather angry. "The armor is mine. I cook a commander does not recognize my armor alone? " 

Syuraikh mediate that Ali not long-winded. "Well, Brother Ali bin Abi Talib. Visible, the armor was now in control of the Jews. so, if you claim the armor is yours, you must submit two witnesses or other evidence. 

"There I have a witness." 

"Who are they?" 

"My son Hasan and Husayn, 'Ali said. 

Syuraikh cut, "Sorry. Testimony child of any number of them, are not valid under applicable law. So, if there is no other evidence, accusation was canceled and this armor is absolute belongs to Jews. " 

Verdict. Allegations commander who also heads the state court canceled. While Jewish co-religionists not to judge it too won the case. 

Syiraikh When asked why he did not give a favorable ruling Caliph who was also his close it, he replied: "Sorry. We are herders. And each herdsman will be asked about their grazing responsibility (kullukum raa'in kullukum mas-ulun wa 'an ra'iyyatih). " 


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