Saturday, June 22, 2013

Bury pilgrimage in Month of Sha'ban


Month of Sha'ban has arrived, most of the people we call the month of Sha'ban month ruwah. Ruwah word synonymous with the word spirit, indeed the two are related. 

Named ruwah month because this month is the month in which the spirits of ancestors who have preceded us see the families left behind in the world. And surviving family droves pray the ancestors before the month of Ramadan. Either through prayer, almsgiving, and tahmid tahlil or directly on a pilgrimage to the grave. 

Be a special month of Sha'ban month, meaning that there are some traditions that prevail in this month which is not implemented in other months. Among the traditions are looked grave or tomb meziarahi parents, grandparents, siblings, family relatives, husband or wife, son or father who had preceded. 

There are many different names for the pilgrimage tradition the tomb before the month of Ramadan or at the end of the month of Sha'ban. Some say the term arwahan, nyekar (around Central Java), Kosar (around East Java), munggahan (around tatar Sunda) and so forth. For some people, this is a kind of obligation felt that when there is less left foot to meet fasting in Ramadan. 

Therefore it is necessary menenegok back several matters relating to the pilgrimage grave problem. Due to the fact many ta'bir and wisdom stored in it, is able to make the pilgrimage grave as one of the traditions that survive around us. 

In the early days of Islam, the Prophet was once banned Muslim pilgrimage to the grave, given the state of their faith by the time it is still weak. And the condition of Arab society sociological mindset that era still dominated by polytheism and belief in the gods and god. Prophet feared a misunderstanding when they visited the grave both in behavior and in prayer. 

However, with the passage of time, the reason is not contextual and allow Rasulullahpun grave pilgrimage. According to the Messenger of Allah in Sunan Turmudzi no 973

حديث بريدة قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله علية وسلم: "قد كنت نهيتكم عن زيارة القبور فقد أذن لمحمد في زيارة قبر أمه فزورها فإنها تذكر الآخرة" رواة الترمذي

Hadeeth of Buraidah he said that the Messenger of Allah said "I've banned pilgrimages grave. But now Muhammad had been given permission to visit the tomb of his mother. So now berziarahlah ..! because it can alert you to the afterlife. 

Truly, it is the basic legal permissibility illat pilgrimage to the tomb (reason) 'tazdkiratul akhirah' which reminds us of the Hereafter. Therefore justified pilgrimage to the tomb of the parents and also to the tomb of the righteous and the trustees. During the pilgrimage to remind us of the Hereafter. Similarly, the pilgrimage to the tombs of the saints and the righteous is a virtue that is recommended, as the opinion of Ibn Hajar al-Haytami in the book 'Al-Fatawa al-fiqhiyah al-Kubra'.

وسئل رضي الله عنه عن زيارة قبور الأولياء فى زمن معين مع الرحلة اليها هل يجوز مع أنه يجتمع عند تلك القبور مفاسد كاختلاط النساء بالرجال وإسراج السرج الكثيرة وغير ذلك فأجاب بقوله زيارة قبور الأولياء قربة مستحبة وكذا الرحلة اليها.

He asked about a pilgrimage to the tomb of the trustees at any given time with less make a special trip to their graves. He replied, pilgrimage to the tombs of the wali is disunnahkan worship. Similarly, a trip to their graves. 

As to the wisdom of the grave pilgrimage Nawawi al-Banteni have written them in such statement Nihayatuz Zain "disunnahkan for pilgrimage grave, anyone who is religious visit to the tomb of his parents or one of them every Friday, then Allah forgive his sins and he is recorded as children are obedient and dutiful to his parents "... 

Such is the wisdom behind the grave pilgrimage, how it is to be an opportunity for anyone who feels lacking in devotion to his parents during his lifetime. Even in keteragan seanjutnya still Nihayatuz Zain explained in the book "Whoever religious visit to the grave of his parents every Friday reward as Hajj". 

What Nawawi said in Nihayuatuz Zain is also present in several other books, even complete with narrators sequence. As found in al-Mu `jam al-Kabir lit Tabhrani juz 19 

. حدثنا محمد بن أحمد أبو النعمان بن شبل البصري, حدثنا أبى, حدثنا عم أبى محمد بن النعمان عن يحي بن العلاء البجلي عن عبد الكريم أبى أمية عن مجاهد عن أبى هريرة قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم "من زار قبر أبويه أو احدهما فى كل جمعة غفر له وكتب برا

Prophet said "whoever pilgrimage to the tomb of his parents or one of them every Friday the Allah forgive his sins and he is recorded as a dutiful son and to obey his parents. 

As for the reward of Hajj which is provided by God Almighty to those who are religious visit to the grave of his parents are in the book Al-maudhu'at based on the hadith of Ibn 'Umar. 

أنبأنا إسماعيل بن أحمد أنبأنا حمزة أنبأنا أبو أحمد بن عدى حدثنا أحمد بن حفص السعدى حدثنا إبراهيم بن موسى حدثنا خاقان السعدى حدثنا أبو مقاتل السمرقندى عن عبيد الله عن نافع عن ابن عمر قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم "من زار قبر أبيه أو أمه أو عمته أو خالته أو أحد من قراباته كانت له حجة مبرورة, ومن كان زائرا لهم حتى يموت زارت الملائكة قبره

Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever pilgrimage to the tomb of the father or mother, uncle or aunt, or pilgrimage to the tomb of one of the family, then the reward is equal to Hajj Mabrur. And those who committed and his death came on pilgrimage to the tomb of the angels will always be religious visit to the grave " 

But not so legal pilgrimage to the tomb of a Muslim. Given the weak sense of womanhood, then the law is a religious visit to the family grave makruh. Because it would facilitate women's weakness restless, difficult to tears at the grave. That is what is feared and forbidden in Islam. As stated in the book I'anatut Thalibin.Sedangkan a Muslim pilgrimage to the tomb of the Prophet, the trustees and the righteous people is sunnah.

(قوله فتكره) أي الزيارة لأنها مظنة لطلب بكائهن ورفع أصواتهن لما فيهن من رقة القلب وكثرة الجزع

Dimakruhkan grave pilgrimage for women because it tends to help on the condition that weakens the heart and soul. 

The length of the description, the grave remains a pilgrimage traditions need to be preserved because it does not conflict with the Islamic Shari'ah. Even even be reminded of the life in the hereafter. Especially if done at the end of the month of Sha'ban. This is a very good capital to prepare to welcome the month of Ramadan. (Red. Ulil H) 


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