Thursday, May 2, 2013

100 Israeli officer Write to Netanyahu, War Request Terminated

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz revealed there are a hundred senior officer wrote to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and President Ehud Barak. In the letter, they asked Netanyahu to stop the aggression on Gaza immediately after the return of peace in the south and north of the Palestinian occupation.

According to reports Qodsna (19/11), Haaretz published a letter written by the officers of the Israeli military women and men. Some have been retired and others still on duty.
Haaretz quoted the letter and wrote,'' Our officers over the years from the lower ranks to senior officers serving in the military. We are also members of the community in the north and the south. We wanted to create safety for the residents of neighboring southern Gaza Strip. Aggression five days have passed and we are still witnessing rocket fire into this area. There is no sign of reduction of Palestinian rocket fire.''

Letter to Barak and Netanyahu called on leave intention to perform ground attack. Because not only does not change from Palestinian rocket fire, but the war will also extend to the entire region.

Israeli military officials also asked the prime minister and war minister of Israel to a ceasefire with Hamas as the best option to ensure the safety of local residents of southern Israel.


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