Friday, May 3, 2013

Already 700,000 Family Leave Syria

Sorrow never vanished from Syria. Because of the war that raged increasingly relentless, until recently, had 700,000 families driven from their homeland, Syria. Warta government newspaper, Al-Watan, on Tuesday (04/30/2013), also showed at least 535,000 homes in the country was in ruins.

The paper also shows the data of the Syrian Centre for Policy Studies says that the real cost of rebuilding Syria has reached 68 billion U.S. dollars. While housing conditions spelled badly damaged approaching 250,000 units.

War that goes beyond the second year that was also devastated Syria's economy. Because the economic sanctions contributed to the welfare crisis in Syria.

In detail, Syria in 2012 suffered economic losses of 48.4 billion U.S. dollars. While gross domestic product (GDP) fell 18.8 percent to reach or in a position only 24.1 billion U.S. dollars.


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