Wednesday, June 12, 2013


By :Ustadz Abu Ihsan al-Atsari

Ibn Faris rahimahullah, a linguist, explaining the Mu'jamu Maqâyisil-Lughah (III/335) Article Sha-ha-ba, said: "(The set of three letters) indicates the inclusion of something and its proximity to someone who was with him. Plurality is shuhhâb as Rakib said plural rukkâb. Same as أصحب فلان sentence ('ashhaba So and so), it is to be subject. "And the phrase' ashhabar rajulu, meaning that if their children have aged baligh ', and everything that came with something that may be said to have become friends ".
In Mu'jamul-Wasith (I/507) mentioned, "Shâhabahu, is râfaqahu (with him), istashhaba syai'an means lâzamahu (accompanying). Ash-Sahib, is al-murâfiq (friend), the owner of something, executing a job . Used also for people who hold a particular madhhab or opinion.
الصحابي (ash-Shahabi) is the person who met the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, believe in him, and passed away (died) in a Muslim state.
In the book of al-fil-Lughah Ifshâh, page 708 says: "Ash-shuhbah, meaning المعاشرة (al-mu'âsyarah, socially)".
There is no explanation of which requires the inclusion of language experts should be within a certain period or mention certain limitations in addition to the inclusion of the absolute, for a longer period of time or shorter. Therefore, Ibn Faris says that the origin of the word t-shuhbah ash, meaning inclusion and closeness.
Ibn Taymiyah said in Majmu t 'Fataawa (IV/464):"الصحبة Shuhbah is a term used for people who accompany the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam in the long term as well as short. However, is determined by the position of every friend he accompanies a period of the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam. Anyone accompanying him year, month, day, moment, or see his last glimpse of faith. degrees each time period determined in accordance with the accompanying Prophet ".
Imam Ahmad rahimahullah said: "Anyone who came with the Messenger a year, a month, a day, or a moment, or see him, so he included the Prophet's companions. Degrees each period is determined according to accompanying the Prophet". [1]
Imam al-Bukhari said in his Sahih (II / 5): "Whoever from among the Muslims, which never came and saw the Messenger of Allah, then he counted his companions".
Abu Muhammad ibn Hazm in al-Ihkâm rahimahullah (V/89) said: "(The so-called) friend, is all the people who had been sitting with the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam even if only for a moment and hear his words even if only one sentence or more, or seen him in person and do not include the hypocrites who are known to die in a state of hypocrisy and hypocrites. And does not include those who were expelled by the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam for reasons that should be, such as the transvestite and people like that. Anyone who has met the criteria tersebutm, then he is entitled to be called a friend. All companions including (a) the priest role models, the main man and blessed. We are obliged to respect them, glorify them, ask forgiveness for them and love them. sedekahkan one date that they are more main rather than the entire property by other than their wherewithal. their position on the side of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam more important than our worship life; either childhood or who are of legal age. An-Nu'man bin Bashir,' Abdullah bin az-Zubayr, al-Hasan and al-Hushain bin 'Ali bin Abi Talib radi anhum was about ten years old when the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam died. As for al-Hushain, when the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam died he was aged six years. Mahmud ibn ar-Rabi 'five years old when the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam passed away, he still remembers bursts Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam to her face with water drawn from their wells. they all, including best friend, their narrations of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam fully accepted, both from the male, female, slave or free ".
Although interspersed with apostasy, then back to Islam, he is still called a friend. Ibn Hazm rahimahullah continues in the same book: "The apostate of Islam after the death of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, or after she met him and then back to Islam and the great Islamic faith, such as al-' Asyats bin Qais, 'Amr ibn Ma' dikarib and much more, then without a doubt, they are still including friends, by saying of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:
أسلمت على ما سلف لك من خير
(You have converted to Islam by bringing before goodness that you do)
They are all righteous, and has the virtue of including the people of Paradise. "
NASH-NASH virtue FRIEND THAT EXPLAINS THE PROPHETThe virtue of the Prophet's companions, and the high degree of their position and a case that has been understood by all people. There are many arguments, both of Al-Qur'ân and Sunnah that explains it.
Allaah says which means: Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, and those with him are hard against the unbelievers, but compassionate among themselves; You see them bowing and prostrating seek God's bounty and good pleasure His signs meraka looks on their faces from the former prostration. Thus their properties in the Torah and their properties in the Gospel, ie as plants put out shoots, then shoots it makes the plant stronger and become great is he and the substantially perpendicular; crop-growers pleased the growers, because God wants to miff unbelievers (with the power of the believers). God promises to those who believe and do righteous deeds among them forgiveness and a great reward. [Al-Fath/48 paragraph 29].
This paragraph covers all the Prophet's companions radi anhum, because they live entirely with the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
Meanwhile, the hadiths of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam were the companions not to mention a little virtue. In the book Shahîhain, al-Bukhari and Muslim narrated from the hadeeth of 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud radi' anhu, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
خير الناس قرني ثم الذين يلونهم ثم الذين يلونهم ثم يجيء قوم تسبق شهادة أحدهم يمينه ويمينه شهادته
Best of man is in my day, then the next day, and then the next time. Then will come a people who preceded persaksiannya oath, and sworn testimony precedes. [2]
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam explained, they are the best of men. However, the enemies of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala still denounced as best man who has been praised by the best of the servant who does not utter lust. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam explained, over and over his companions he was the best of the period are absolute. There is no better period than their period. Anyone who says other than that, it includes zindeeq (heretic).In the hadeeth of 'Aisha radi anhuma, he said: "A man asked the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam: 'Who is the best of men?' Apostle sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam replied:' (It is) a period, which I live today, then the next period, then the next period. '"[3]
Abu Burdah narrated from his father, that he said: We pray Maghrib with the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. After the prayer, we said: "Why do not we sit waiting for work 'Isha' with him?" So we agreed to sit down to wait. Then he came out to see us, he said: "Are you still here?" We said: "O Messenger of Allah, we pray Maghrib with you, then we sat waiting here to be able to pray 'Isha' with you".
"Good, it's right that you do it!" he replied.
Then she turned her face to the sky, usually he often faces lifted to the sky. Then he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
النجوم أمنة للسماء فإذا ذهبت النجوم أتى السماء ما توعد وأنا أمنة لأصحابي فإذا ذهبت أتى أصحابي ما يوعدون وأصحابي أمنة لأمتي فإذا ذهب أصحابي أتى أمتي ما يوعدون
"Indeed it is the stars of the heavens safety. If the stars were gone, it will come what has been promised the sky. Safety for my best friend I was, if I had gone it will come what has been promised on my best friend. And my friend is the safety of my people, if my friend had gone there will come what has been promised to my people ". [4]
Anas radi 'anhu narrates, while digging Khandaq (moat), the companions of the Prophet reciting poetry:
It is we who have allegiance Muhammad.To hold fast to Islam during the life conceived body.Or they say: To strive for a life in the bladder body.
Hammad narrated hesitation. Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam replied by saying: O Allah, verily the best of the good is the good of the Hereafter. Forgive the Ansar and the Emigrants [5].In another wording mentioned: Bless the Ansar and the Emigrants.In another narration: 'Give the good of the Ansar and the Emigrants.
In another report also mentioned: Honor the Ansar and the Emigrants.
In the history of Sahl bin Sa'ad, he said: "The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam came to see us, whereas when it is, we're digging trenches (Trench) and bring the land with our own shoulders, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said:" O Allah! Real life is the life hereafter is essential. Give forgiveness for the muhajirun and the ansar ". [6]
Let's see, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam sought forgiveness, glory, goodness and blessing for them. Strangely, then after that there are also people who denounced the companions of the Prophet, curse them, their infidel, accusing them hypocrites, and many other abuses.
The bad traits, which is actually more appropriate to denounce them. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says.
فليحذر الذين يخالفون عن أمره أن تصيبهم فتنة أو يصيبهم عذاب أليم
Then let those who violate His commands fear overwritten trial or a painful torment be overwritten. [An-Nûr/24 paragraph 63].
Allaah has warned us not to command menyelisihi Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and not deviate from his path, manhaj, Sunnah and Sharia. All words and deeds are measured according to the words and deeds of the Prophet. Can only be accepted if in line with his words and actions, and rejected if menyelisihinya. Someone who is saying the words and doing deeds that menyelisihi words and deeds the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, meaning it includes opposing Allaah and His Messenger sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam. He belonged to the lower and humiliated.
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says.
إن الذين يحادون الله ورسوله كبتوا كما كبت الذين من قبلهم وقد أنزلنا آيات بينات وللكافرين عذاب مهين
As for those who oppose Allah and His Messenger surely got humiliation, as the people before they've got the humiliation. Verily We have lowered the real evidence. And for those who disbelieve, there is a humiliating punishment. [Al-Mujâdilah/58 verse 5].
Among the forms of opposition to Allaah and His Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is deriding the most heinous of his saints. And trustee of Allaah after the noblest of the prophets and apostles, is the friends who have been by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala to accompany His Prophet, Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
FACTORS THAT CAUSE THE FRIEND Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam REACHED AND SPECIALTY virtueIbn 'Umar anhuma said: "Do not curse companions of Muhammad. Verily, deeds of one of them for a moment, (it) is better than one person's charitable of you for life". [7]
Opportunity to accompany and meet with the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam is a gift that can not be replaced by anything. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala has chosen among His servants to accompany his apostles in upholding his religion on earth. The choice of human beings, of the privilege than others. Because the choice of Allaah unmistakable.
'Abdullah bin Mas'ud radi' anhu said: "Whoever among you wants to follow the Sunnah, then follow the sunnah of people who have died. Due to people who are still alive, there is no guarantee safe from fitnah (apostasy). They are friends Companions of Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. they are the best people of this generation, the generation of the most noble, the most in knowledge, which is not much making it up, people who have been chosen by God to be His Prophet's companions in upholding his religion. Recognize their virtue, follow their tracks, hold with morals and their religion as much as you guys, because they are the generation that is above Shirâthal-Mustaqim. "[8]
He also radi 'anhu said: "Verily, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala look at the hearts of His servants. Allah find Muhammad's heart was the best of his servant's heart. Allah chose for Himself and sent him to carry His message. Then God see the hearts of the servants after Muhammad's heart. Allah hearts find companions he was the best of a servant's heart. then God raised them as Wazir (helper-red) of His Prophet, fighting in defense of his religion. then what is viewed favorably by the Muslims (the Companions), would have been good in the sight of Allah. And what is considered bad by them, must have been bad in his side ". [9]
From the words of Ibn Mas'ud above, we can find out some of the perks of the Companions than other Muslims. Namely:
1. The Companions of the Prophet is the best generation that forged directly by hand Apostle sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam glorious.
2. Instantaneous position of a prophet companions with the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam more important than a person's whole life charity.
3. Companions of the Prophet is the most clean his generation.
4. Companions of the Prophet is the ultimate in knowledge generation.
5. Companions of the Prophet is a generation that does not like to invent something ngadakan in religious matters.
6. Companions of the Prophet is the generation that survived the heresy.
7. Companions of the Prophet is the best generation depraved.
8. Companions of the Prophet is a generation that God chose His Prophet as a companion.
9. The companions are the lucky ones got a direct invocation of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. [10]
10. Companions of the Prophet as a supervisor and safety of this people.Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "Verily the stars of the heavens, it is a safety. If the stars were gone it will come what has been promised the sky. Safety for my best friend I was, if I had gone it will come what have promised the friend. And my best friend is the safety of my people, if my friend had gone there will come what has been promised to my people "[11].
11. Companions of the Prophet as a reference source when disputes and as a guide in understanding the Al-Qur `an and Sunnah.
ألا إن من قبلكم من أهل الكتاب افترقوا على ثنتين وسبعين ملة وإن هذه الملة ستفترق على ثلاث وسبعين ثنتان وسبعون في النار وواحدة في الجنة وهي ما أنا عليه اليوم و أصحابي
Know the truth of the Book before you have divided into 72 groups. And verily this Ummah will split into 73 groups. Seven 72 of whom go to hell, and one class in heaven, ie groups that follow the guidelines that I and my best friend was on it. [12]
12. Following the guidelines friend is a guarantee to get the victory.Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
يأتي على الناس زمان يبعث منهم البعث فيقولون انظروا هل تجدون فيكم أحدا من أصحاب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فيوجد الرجل فيفتح لهم به ثم يبعث البعث الثاني فيقولون هل فيهم من رأى أصحاب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فيفتح لهم به ثم يبعث البعث الثالث فيقال انظروا هل ترون فيهم من رأى من رأى أصحاب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ثم يكون البعث الرابع فيقال انظروا هل ترون فيهم أحدا رأى من رأى أحدا رأى أصحاب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فيوجد الرجل فيفتح لهم به
"There will come a time, then there is an army sent (to fight). They said: 'Let's see, did anyone a companion of the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam? ' Apparently there is one person Companions of the Prophet, hence Allah then they win. Then sent a second army. Said to them: 'Can any of them had seen companions of the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam? ' hence Allah then they win. then sent a third army. said: 'Let's see, if any of them ever saw a friend who had seen the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam? ' so he found one man, so God they won. then sent troops to the fourth. said: 'Let's see, if any of them have ever seen a person who never saw companions the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam? " it was found that one person. God eventually win them ". [13]
13. Shari'a forbids slander against the Prophet's companions. Anyone who insults the companions of the Prophet, then he deserves the wrath of Allah, the angels and the entire mankind.
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
لا تسبوا أصحابي لا تسبوا أصحابي فوالذي نفسي بيده لو أن أحدكم أنفق مثل أحد ذهبا ما أدرك مد أحدهم ولا نصيفه
Do mecela my best friend! Do not reproach my best friend! As God is my soul in His hand, even if you are a mountain of Uhud menginfaqkan gold, He would not be able to match the mud dole them, not half as well. [14]
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam also said:
من سب أصحابي فعليه لعنة الله و الملائكة و الناس أجمعين
He who denounced my best friend, then it the curse of Allah, the angels curse and damnation of all mankind. [15]
14. Companions of the Prophet, they are the people who has got the pleasure of Allaah, as Allaah says:
والسابقون الأولون من المهاجرين والأنصار والذين اتبعوهم بإحسان رضي الله عنهم ورضوا عنه وأعد لهم جنات تجري تحتها الأنهار خالدين فيها أبدا ذلك الفوز العظيم
People preceding the first again (to Islam) among the people Emigrants and Helpers and those who followed them with good, Allah is well pleased with them and provide for their God-Jannah Jannah flowing rivers therein, they shall live for ever. That's a big win. [At-Tawbah / 9 verse 100].
And Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says: Verily Allah has pleased the believers when they pledged allegiance to you under the tree, and He knew what was in their hearts, so He sent down tranquility upon them and rewarded them with victory close (time). [Al-Fath/48 verse 18].
15. Love the companions of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam means faith, and hating them means hypocrisy.Ath-Thahâwi in 'Aqidah it said: "We (ie Ahlus Sunnah wal-Jama'ah) menyintai Companions Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam. We do not exaggerate in menyintai one of them. And we are not innocent of them. We hate people who hate them and call them as that is not good. We do not call them except with goodness. Menyintai they are obedience, faith and goodness, while hating them is kufr, hypocrisy and apostasy ".
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
آية الإيمان حب الأنصار, وآية النفاق بغض الأنصار
Sign of faith is love of the Ansar, and the sign of hypocrisy is to hate the Ansar. [16]
Thus, there are many other factors that make them more special and more important than other Muslims. However, the Ahlus Sunnah wal-Jama'ah is also not to say that the Prophet's companions Ma'shum of error. Ahlus Sunnah wal-Jama'ah is also no exaggeration to react as well as the Shiites Rafidhah that Ali ibn Abi Talib menuhankan Rdhiyallahu anhu. Even that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala commanded, is to glorify them, safeguard their rights, beg forgiveness for them, and prayed for them with the phrase "radi 'anhum (may Allah be pleased with them all).
Allaah says in His Book:
والذين جاءوا من بعدهم يقولون ربنا اغفر لنا ولإخواننا الذين سبقونا بالإيمان ولا تجعل في قلوبنا غلا للذين آمنوا ربنا إنك رءوف رحيم
And those who came after them (Emigrants and the Helpers), they prayed: "Our Lord Forgive us and our brethren who have faith before us, and you do not let the hatred in our hearts against those believers. Our Lord, verily You Trustees infinite care anymore ". [Al-Hasyr/59 paragraph 10].
Allaah 'nature.
Maraji `:1. Al-Fâizûna Du'aain bi-Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, Taufiq Umar Sayyidi work.2. Al-Fushul Sîratir fi-Rasul, Ibn Kathir, Takhrîj: Shaikh Salim bin 'Id al-Hilali.3. Al-ibanah Five-lish-Sahabah terminal Manzilah wal-Makânah, Hamd bin 'Abdillah bin' Ibrahim al-Humaidi.4. Fathul-Bari, Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani.5. Madârikun-nazhar fis-siyasah Syar'iyyah, 'Abdul Malik al-Ramadhani.6. Nawâqidhul-faith, Dr. 'Abdul-' Aziz ibn Muhammad ibn 'Ali' Abd al-Latif.7. Sirah Shahîhah, Dr. Dhiya 'Akram al-' Umari.8. Tahdheeb Bidayah wan-Nihayah, Muhammad ibn Shamil as-Sulami.
[Copied from the Sunnah Edition magazine 01/Tahun XII/1429H/2008M. Publishers Foundation Lajnah Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo-Solo Purwodadi Gondangrejo Km.8 Selokaton 57 183 Tel. 0271-858197 Fax 0271-858196]_______Footnote[1]. Quoted by Ibn Abi Ya'la in ath-thabaqat (I/243), with sanadnya of Imam Ahmad. Al-Khathîb al-Baghdadi in al-kifayah, page 51. Also mentioned by Ibn Taymiyah in Majmu 'Fataawa (20/298), that Imam Malik saying things like that.[2]. Bukhari, 3651, and Muslim, 2533.[3]. Narrated by Muslim, 2536.[4]. Narrated by Muslim (2531), from Abu Musa al-Ash'ari radi anhu[5]. Bukhari (2835) and Muslim (1805). The above wording is the wording Muslims.[6]. Bukhari (3797) and Muslim (1804). The above wording is the wording Muslims.[7]. Narrated by Imam Ahmad in al-Fadhâ `il, 15 and 20. Ibn Majah (162), Ibn Abi 'Aasim in as-Sunnah (104). Entirely of lines from Nusair Thaury ats-az-Za'lûq, he said: "I heard 'Umar saying ...". Saheeh isnaad.[8]. The same word was also narrated by the narrative above by Ibn 'Abd al-Bar in Jami' al-Bayan (II/97), Abu al-Hilyah Nu'aim in, from Ibn Umar c (I/305).[9]. Reported by Ahmad and others. This history degree hasan.[10]. Please read the book al-Fâizûnâ Du'âin bi-Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam (The lucky ones got the prayer of the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam), by Taufiq Umar as-Sayyidi.[11]. Muslim, Abu Musa al-Ash'ari radi anhu.[12]. Reported by Abu Dawud and others of the many paths of some companions of the Prophet, and classed as saheeh by al-Albani.[13]. Narrated by Muslim from the hadeeth of Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri radi anhu.[14]. Narrated by Muslim (2540) from Abu Hurayrah radi anhu.[15]. Narrated by ath-Thabrani in Mu'jamul-Kabi (XII/142), Ibn Abi 'Aasim in as-Sunnah (II/483), Abu al-Nu'aim in Hilyah (VII/103) and dihasankan by al-Albani in ash-Shahîhah (2340).[16]. Bukhari, from the hadeeth of Anas ibn Malik radi anhu.

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