Wednesday, June 12, 2013

From Prostitutes To Drugs, Abuse in U.S. Embassy Exposed

After exposure of phone hacking and the Internet, the U.S. government is now back with dibeberkannya memo rocked their embassies abroad. In the memo, the U.S. Embassy said in some countries to cover up rotten behavior diplomats.
Reported by Reuters on Wednesday, June 12, 2013, memo was first published by CBS News from the source in the U.S. State Department this week. This memo is an internal memo that the U.S. State Department allegedly written by former U.S. Ambassador to Myanmar Larry M. Dinger who was on duty as an auditor for the U.S. State Department Diplomat Security Bureau.
In the memo listed eight violations of the U.S. Embassy by workers abroad, ranging from hiring underage prostitutes until about drugs being booked into the embassy through an underground drug ring. These events occur when Hillary Clinton served as U.S. secretary of state.
In the memo also said that the entire investigation of the violations prevented or made difficult by the embassy.
Among the examples mentioned in the memo that the current U.S. ambassador unnamed often disarm the security to go to the park hired prostitutes, even underage girls. When they want to investigate these allegations, write memos, assistant secretary of state for management Patrick Kennedy banned.
Although CBS did not mention who the ambassador in question, but the U.S. Ambassador to Belgium Howard Gutman issued a statement denying it. He said that the allegations were unfounded."I live in a beautiful park in Brussels, if you walk in that location, I might not act inappropriate," he said.
Another example of violation of sexual assault against a foreign citizen who works as a security officer at the U.S. Embassy Beirut, Lebanon. Assailant, a U.S. citizen embassy security officials, called've done the same in Baghdad, Khartoum and Monrovia. When it was about investigation, investigators were not given enough time to complete their work.
In Iraq, the memo said that the underground network of drug dealers working near the U.S. Embassy and supplying drugs for embassy security officer. But the investigation of this case is complicated by the officials in it.
Other accusations directed against security forces Clinton during a visit abroad. It is said that members of the security forces hired prostitutes during a visit to various countries. Inspector general assigned to investigate the matter concluded that the prostitution problem has started again.
Discovery of this memo is not no doubt add to ulcers in eyes of U.S. citizens. Previously, the administration of Barack Obama has been criticized because of intercepting telephone and internet millions of its citizens. The U.S. argues, the way it is used by the country's security.

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