Monday, April 22, 2013

Dropbox Caplok Mailbox

Dropbox cloud computing service providers do not want to get caught up in the business of data storage media online course. They plan to buy Orchestra, a company that makes email managing application Mailbox, Friday (03/15/2013).

Mailbox is now only available for the iOS operating system. Lately he anticipated the rise as well. Mailbox management is seen as the best email application for your Gmail account on the iPhone.

Pilot companies (startup) Digital was founded by Scott Cannon and Gentry Underwood, who has received a capital investment of 5.5 million of the company's investors and individual investors.

Two founders of Dropbox, Drew Houston and Arash Ferdowsi, stating their suitability to work with a team of developers Mailbox. "After spending time with Gentry, Scott and the team, they have the same mission as Dropbox, to solve the problem of the hidden and re-arrange the things we do every day," said the two founders of Dropbox on the company's official blog.

The two sides did not mention the value of acquisitions Dropbox Mailbox. However, according to the news broke, the acquisition value reached 100 million U.S. dollars.

Facebook and Yahoo is also reportedly interested in acquiring Mailbox, but Dropbox came out as the winner.

Until now, Dropbox has not announced plans Mailbox development. But, if an email management company and a leading provider of unified cloud computing, could be a powerful force.


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