Monday, April 22, 2013

In order for us glorious sky

Today's the middle of the night. August 10, 1995. Late at night so, many people asleep. But this new man rushes. He started the car in the garage. Then step on the gas pedal. Drove alone from Bandung to Jakarta. Winding over hills and valleys. When it Padalarang not continued.

Rakhendi Priyatna, so this guy's name, must quickly reach Jakarta. Dawn, he had welcomed 40 journalists in Halim Perdanakusumah. And many journalists from foreign countries. That day, it caught the eye area Halim Indonesia, and even Asia.

And that's because Gatotkaca. A N250 aircraft made in Indonesia whose name picked out of a puppet character that many people loved it. That day, was the maiden flight Ghatotkacha. And this event is more than just flying the plane, but also marks Indonesia's economic superiority. In the air we are victorious.

Rakhendi story. At 8 am, before takeoff, everyone uneasy. Especially those who work hard behind the scenes Gatotkaca. The engineers PT Nusantara Aircraft Industry (IPTN), which creates this plane. If the nation fails thousand shy bear.

"It's mixed. Chills. Aircraft Everyone worries or trouble that failed to fly in the air," the story of the headline Rakhendi. Moreover, President Soeharto and the nation's leaders have stood proudly on the stage honors. Cameras are targeting foreign journalists.

Thunderous applause. Erwin Danuwinata, N250 Ghatotkacha test pilot was a success with a capacity of 70 passengers landed smoothly. All cheering. Happy mixed emotion. Indonesia was saved. Indonesian aerospace industry torn into the world spotlight.

Glad it was a memorable day. Ever admired the neighboring countries, the aircraft manufacturer's long torpor. There are two remaining aircraft. N250 and N250-100. IPTN parked in the yard office, which has now changed its name to PT Indonesian Aerospace (PT DI). Bandung West Java.

Long torpor, the company was now breathing again. Two years later she was tidying. Revitalization. Restructuring. Rejuvenating machine. Recruiting engineers. Now the company is preparing a new plane: N219.

N219. This is the new life of PT DI. This prototype multi-purpose aircraft with a capacity of 19 passengers. Elaborating on most modern aircraft systems technology. Built with metal construction plane. Sturdy.

N250 is not as advanced. Understated. Even so very simple. The company's managing director, Budi Santoso, the headline said, "This is the cheapest. But no market segment."

In addition to business, this aircraft is a vehicle to learn the new engineers. So that they know how to make a plane in a single cycle. From zero to fly.

Although simple, according to the company Aerostruktur Director, Andi Alisyahbana, aircraft N219 100 percent original work of the nation. "This is important because until now there is hardly any industrial and engineering products are completely designed by the children of the nation," he said to the headline.

This aircraft, he added, could force generation is almost gone. N250 generation. To immediately reduce his knowledge to a new generation.

This is the N219 was
N is the name of the archipelago. Demonstrate that the design, production, and the calculation is done in Indonesia. Although only a prototype, the aircraft will be certified Csar (Certified Specialist in Asset Recovery) 23. That is, has been tested as a mechanical product based on the standard Amerikat States and Canada.

The design of the aircraft have passed the test of aerodynamics. When it took PTDI Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) as testers. When ready, the aircraft will be flown to the remote area. Being a pioneer.

N219 is the development of aircraft CASA C-212 aircraft Aviocar. Including design and all metal construction. Volume of the largest cabin in its class. Complete with flexible door system. Can accommodate a passenger more efficiently. Could be a cargo transportation.

Net weight of the aircraft is 4.7 tons. Has fulfilled the small plane according to FAR 23 standards. Can reach a maximum distance of 1,111 kilometers. Approximately equal to the distance to fly from Jakarta to Balikpapan.

Though tiny, aircraft capacity is fairly large. Up to seven tons. Wing along the 19.5 meter long metal capable of making 16.5 meters high and 6.1 meters hovering maximum height of 10,000 feet above sea level.

Unlike the popular plane PTDI, CN235, which is tailored to the needs of military and civilian aircraft N219 deliberately designed only for civilian purposes. If CN235 can accommodate 42 passengers, N219 only 19 passengers. That way he could be operated in areas with extreme natural conditions and the high degree of difficulty. Such as unpaved runway in the mountainous region. In the archipelago.

A number of unique technology has been adopted. Construction of the aluminum body and wings. Off the shelf engine that is widely used in the world of flight. System is the modern technology in it. Reliable and easy to maintain.

"Avionics Technology N219 is now the most modern technology. Uses Glass Cockpit with synthetic vision features to help pilots get accurate navigation information despite the bad weather," said Andi Alisjahbana. Extremely helpful when you want to fly to remote areas.

N219 is expected to replace the Twin Otter aircraft. Was popular in the '70s-'80s era, this kind of plane has been deprecated. No longer manufactured, although some often encountered in Indonesia.

The only drawback of this aircraft, said Andi, is a psychological affair. PTDI no longer IPTN. He and his team felt the need to popularize the name and reputation in the wider community PTDI.

Bright or Bleak?
Indeed, the design of this aircraft is far. Already passed Preliminary Design. Some wind tunnel testing has been done. Now living fund his business. The company was the middle of raising money for this mega project.

It should not be difficult. Because the market is wide open. For the next 20 years needs 9-20 seat class aircraft market in the world is projected to reach 5,350 units. Of that amount, needs 549 units in the Asia Pacific region. That's why long-term commitment required. Do not think to make today, profit tomorrow.

Aircraft building program is not a three-year program. "But 20 years until the aircraft was manufactured," said Andi. In any country, the aircraft program is a major effort. Need government support. Also the community.

Realize this great dream, PT DI can not be alone. Other agencies need to be involved. Such as the Ministry of Research and Technology for development. Ministry of Industry to support the preparation of national industry. And the Ministry of Transportation for the certification and operation.
"The integration of all instances of a fixed price. If not, the aerospace industry will remain fast asleep, "said Andi. From the technical point of view the project is ready. Just waiting for funds from a consortium of ministries.

Funds needed about Rp600 billion. PTDI himself has dug money Rp100 billion to design and prepare a lot of things. The company has set aside Rp 100 billion project will continue to burn.

But company officials are still cautious. Especially in the matter of money. If the funds are disbursed, and it does not support the Ministry Consortium, then the project was finished. "Failing such as N-250," said Budi Santoso.


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