Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Police Check Two victims of abuse Housewife

For the purpose of investigation, police are still holding Emayartini Bengkulu City aka May (38), RT mothers who molestation of eight teenagers in the complex Kopri, Village Bentiring Muara Bangkahulu, Bengkulu,

According to the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of Bengkulu City Police, Assistant Commissioner Akbar Dwi Citra, if found guilty, she will be charged under Article 81 and 82 of Law No. 23 of 2002 on Child Protection with the threat of 15 years in prison threat.

So far, there is only one word Akbar victims reporting to police related events. He added, it is possible there will be the next victim suing this case.

However for complete investigative files already checked two victims. They are RAL (14), ex-students and Dn (14) 1 junior class students. Since there is no post mortem evidence, investigators will collect information from perpetrators, victims and witnesses.

"Two witnesses, the victim's parents we also ask for information, respectively Mn and LS. Husband actor has also been questioned," said Dwi Citra Akbar to the headline.

According to Akbar, between the perpetrator and the victim knew each other indeed. Very close to the victim because the perpetrator husband. Housing conditions that gave rise to the intention of the perpetrators lonely grabbed desire, namely by asking for help to massage because of fatigue. After the victim was told to undress and serve the perpetrator.

Abuse cases that have occurred since May made ​​two months ago. Incident was uncovered after one of the victims complained to her parents because of illness in the genitals.

On Monday, April 15, 2013, one of the victim's parents reported the case to the police. Victim of average teenager. In fact there are still 14 and 15 years old.


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