Monday, May 6, 2013

10 Best Universities TeSCA version

PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia announced the 10 best universities in Indonesia in the aspect of information technology and communications. In an event held on Wednesday (05/01/2013), the 10 colleges that receive Telkom Smart Campus Award (TeSCA) - The ICT's Smartests Campus 2013.
University of Indonesia (UI) is tops ranking TeSCA 2013. Followed by Gunadarma University and Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB).
Director of Enterprise & Wholesale Telkom, Muhammad Awaludin, said the awards part to encourage universities in Indonesia doing various speed improvements in quality through the utilization of information and communication technology in teaching and learning practices on campus.
"It is expected that universities in Indonesia obtain a more complete portrait of how real college can improve competitiveness by leveraging ICT and develop colleges with similar quality standards World Class University," he said as written in the official release received
This year, Telkom doing the rating of the 59 public universities and 492 private universities. Number of college increased from five years ago that only amounted to 75 campuses.
In the official release of the UI mentioned, TeSCA - The ICT's Smartests Campus 2013 was given based on 11 indicators, namely:
1. Connectivity level of ICT use2. Completeness of ICT materials3. Standard applications (software) used4. Quality faculty and visual literacy using ICT5. ICT policy support on campus6. Benefits of ICT available to the public7. Campus participation in the national education8. Availability of resource sharing9. Computer facilities are adequate for the application of ICT10. The use of environmentally friendly IT media11. Existing value of the use of ICT for research activities that are useful for the community around the campus
UI won three "awards"In this 2013 TeSCA, UI itself won three awards, namely the Best Universities, Best Java Regional Universities, and Top 10 National Universities.
Head of Development Services and Information Systems (ITS) UI Prof Riri Fitri Sari said, this is the achievement of the UI for the fifth time as "The Smartest Campus" in Indonesia. According to him, the UI is committed to providing the best service to the academic community are increasingly familiar with information and communication technology solutions.
"In an effort to improve the quality of education, teaching, and community service. Besides, policies, strategies, and efforts to implement green computing and improved service for mobile devices continue to be made. Bandwidth, infrastructure, and applications continues to be improved and maintained," as written.
Here are 10 of the best college according TeSCA 2013 national categories:1. University of Indonesia2. University Gunadarma3. Bandung Institute of Technology4. Universitas Padjadjaran5. Airlangga University6. STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta7. Bina Nusantara University8. Indonesian Computer University9. Universitas Gadjah Mada10. Universitas Kristen Duta Discourse

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