Have you ever imagined Indonesia is a rich country? ... A
rich country is a country that can share their country prosperity to
its people so that people can enjoy life in their own country. What is owned by the rich countries it turns out was also owned by the provinces in Indonesia.
1. Riau Islands to Singapore
1. Riau Islands to Singapore

Singapore country has no natural resources but its strategic geographical location make this mini country become one of the prosperous countries in Asia. At the date of January 29, 1819 Raffles established a trading post on an island free the Malay Peninsula, which later became the city-state of Singapore. At that time several hundred merchants have sprung up to take advantage of tax-free policy. The city continues to thrive as a center of trade with low taxes until now.
Actually, Indonesia also has many island in the strategic Strait of Malacca. Let us look at the map, Singapore is a small island in the Straits of Malacca while Kep. Riau Island has many in the waterway that almost the same size as Singapore Island Batam Island, Lingga, Bintan etc.. in other words Kep. Riau potentially has many rich island like Singapore. Excess Kep. The other is if Singapore Riau poor in natural resources, instead Kep. Riau has abundant natural resources, both riches contained in the bowels of the earth, such as oil and gas, gold, etc., as well as a wealth of agricultural and plantation.
2. East Kalimantan to Brunei
In Borneo there is a region that has the highest living standards in the world. Its head of state, as one of the richest men in the world. Its people enjoy high subsidies and pay no taxes. Education and health at the free. Housing subsidies and the rice had become the responsibility of the state. But there lies the prosperous region on the island of Borneo it is not located in Indonesia, but in a small country of Brunei Darussalam.
Brunei Darussalam is a small area on the island of Borneo Kalimantan compared to other areas that became part of Indonesia. One example is the East Kalimantan province with an area several times from Brunei. Natural wealth was not inferior to Brunei. Kaltim can even richer than Brunei. Kaltim addition to producing oil and natural gas is also a producer of coal.
3. Aceh with Saudi Arabia
In 1974, Faisal, King of Saudi Arabia, the nationalized oil company Aramco to become state-owned. Since then Saudi Arabia's state revenues increase dramatically and can provide free education for people from elementary school to university. In Saudi Arabia the average people have a car. Electricity and free Hospital. School is not only free, tapisiswanya given pocket money to the university. . That the results obtained if the natural wealth can be enjoyed 100% by the nation itself.
Indonesia alone has the potential provincial natural resources such as the Aceh province of Saudi Arabia. Supposing if Saudi Arabia had Aceh is the Mecca Mekahnya foyer. Aceh's natural resources can be the equivalent of Saudi Arabia. Assessment of Application of Technology Agency (BPPT) and Germany discovered oil (hydrocarbon) in a very large number of approximately 107.5 to 320.79 billion barrels in the waters east of the island of Simeulue, Aceh. That number is very significant, for example, when compared with Saudi Arabia's oil reserves belong to the volume reached 264.21 billion barrels. If the potential of the oil actually proved that Aceh could be even richer than Saudi Arabia.
It is a province of Indonesia which is equivalent to the potential wealth of rich countries. Of course we still have a lot of other provinces that have such a great wealth of Papua, South Sumatra, South Sulawesi and so forth. Homeland is actually a collection of rich countries put together. Indonesian state could certainly exceed Singapore, Brunei and Saudi Arabia but the management of the country who are less intelligent cause can not be a prosperous Indonesia. Indonesia certainly need leaders who are good, brave, kind and honest so that Indonesia can become a developed country.Content of the natural resources are owned by the our homeland is actually very large but unfortunately the natural wealth that can not be used to build the country. Nearly 90% of oil production in Indonesia controlled foreign corporation, namely Total, ExxonMobil, Vico, ConocoPhillips, BP, PetroChina, Chevron, and other corporations. So also other mining also still controlled by foreigners and the private sector so that the Indonesian state budget is still very dependent on taxes and debt.
Sources:http://munsypedia.blogspot.com/2012/11/3-provinsi-di-indonesia-yang-kaya.html # ixzz2S88s2whm
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