Friday, May 3, 2013

Media : U.S. to Send Weapons to Syrian Rebels

The Washington Post, Wednesday (05/01/2013), published an article that revealed U.S. President Barack Obama's plan to send deadly weapons to Syrian rebels.

Citing a number of sources in the U.S. government, the newspaper reported, the president is also strengthening ties with allies to be a way to get rid of President Bashar al-Assad.

President Obama, said The Post, will finalize the preparation of the shipment and the final decision will be taken in the coming weeks.

Earlier, President Obama has held talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, about the use of chemical weapons in Syria.

A number of reports which appeared on Wednesday said the U.S. government is working to persuade President Putin that the Syrian government's alleged use of chemical weapons.

The U.S. government also said the possible use of chemical weapons could make Obama reconsider his opposition to the use of military option in Syria.

In a press conference held on Tuesday (04/30/2013) at the White House, Obama warned, so do not rush to judge that Syria's use of chemical weapons.

However, he said if the evidence strongly suggests Syria actually used chemical weapons then it would trigger consideration for the use of military force.

"I have to make sure that I really have to get the facts. Was that the American people want." Obama said.

"If I feel confident that the Assad regime's use of chemical weapons, the game has changed. Means that I have to rethink a number of options available today," Obama added.


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