Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Myanmar Muslim massacres About Buddhism

Rising ethnic tensions in Myanmar lamented by Indonesian Buddhists. Chairman of the Sangha Mahayana Temperature Wiraduta confirmed, the attack on Muslims by Buddhist monks and Myanmar is contrary to the teachings of the Buddha.

"We strongly reject all forms of violence because it is not the creed of Buddhism," said Wiraduta when contacted by AFP on Wednesday (1/5). Wiraduta explained, Buddhism teaches principles should not impose human will. Moreover membunuuh.

According to him, the Buddha taught to resolve the problem with peace. He was concerned with what is happening in Myanmar. Moreover, the majority of time Buddhist Myanmar. "Governments also are Buddhists, we so deplore," he explained.

Only, Wiradutha claim could not do much to ask the monks in Myanmar to stop the preaching of hate. The reason, the monks country has no direct relationship with the monks in Myanmar.

According to him, Buddhists in Indonesia have different schools of the Buddhists in Myanmar. "As Catholics and Protestants," he explained. The situation re-heated in the central part of Myanmar. Mosques and Muslim shop again attacked by a mob. Moreover, provocation was also performed by monks in Myanmar who spread the message of hate Muslims.

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