Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Sven Kamphuis, Hacker Most "Venomous" in the World

 He was only 35 years old, but he has trouble policing the four countries. Netherlands, Germany, England and the United States. The man was Sven Olaf Kamphuis, a Dutch Internet activist, who works in a Web hosting company's security services, Cyberbunker.

He referred to himself as a campaigner for freedom of the Internet and a "mold" of Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, as reported by the Telegraph, 30 April 2013.

Kamphuis listed as dangerous cyber hackers in the world and be held accountable for Spamhaus cyber attack on March 15 last. Spamhaus is a service organization that focuses on anti-spam e-mail from Switzerland.

Unmitigated, he was charged with malicious attacks DDoS (distributed denial of service).

Huffingtonpost launch, this type of DDoS attacks work by flooding the server traffic so jammed the incoming message. This condition makes computer networks slowed, solid, because the number of the incoming traffic. That said, Kamphuis attacks impact the entire European network slows down, including banking, finance, and telecommunications.

As an illustration, cyber attacks have recently increased to 100 billion bits per second. While attacks against Spamhaus Kamphuis is expected to triple the size of the attack. Most destructive.

In effect, this led to a number of network attacks in a paralyzed state, including banking sites in the U.S. last year. However, it is unknown how the total loss due to this attack.

Meanwhile, according to the BBC, types of DDoS attacks send data 50 Gbps. For attacks against Spamhaus reach 300 Gbps. As a result, the Internet server traffic in the Netherlands, United Kingdom, and the United States was disrupted.

But, finally, adventure Kamphuis stalled in Granollers, 35 km north of Barcelona, ​​Spain. He was caught and accused of being offensive coordinator against Spamhaus.

Kamphuis admitted the action was a protest against the decision of the company's anti-spam add servers to block spam.

To the police, he admitted as part of the Telecommunications and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyberbunker.

Bunker and Car Van
Interestingly, in the attacks, Spanish Interior Minister attacks suspect Kamphuis able to manage the network from a car type van, which lacked necessary equipment to scan the frequency range of the antenna. Sometimes, it is also an attack on a bunker.

Although it has been arrested and awaiting sentence, he denied the allegations behind global cyber attack that causes slow computer networks throughout Europe's.

Instead, he regards as the victim of a conspiracy attack Spamhaus. Until now, the case is still in the legal process.

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