Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Watch Thousands clash in Cigondewah

On the back of this house being a shootout between troops Detachment or Police Headquarters Detachment 88 anti-terror and terrorist suspects are still happening in Cigondewah, precisely, in Kampung But Rengat, Mekarahayu Village, District Margaasih, Bandung, West Java, on Wednesday (8/5 / 2013) afternoon.

Thousands of residents in Kampung Batu Rengat, Cigondewah Desa Hilir, Margaasih district, Bandung regency, on Wednesday (08/05/2013), witnessed a shootout between drama Detachment 88 officers and four suspected terrorists.
Thousands of people stood watching the drama within a few hundred feet from the location shoot, which revealed to the news has been going on for three hours. Road in Cigondewah had faltered due to this incident.
Based on information collected in the field, Detachment 88 came around 10:00 am to the scene. The shootout began at 11.00 pm. Sound of gunfire can still be heard endlessly until today. "That started shooting an 11-hour," said Alif (19), witnesses at the scene.
Previously, Detachment 88 arrested two suspected terrorists in Jalan Bangka, Mampang, South Jakarta, Thursday (02/05/2013) night. Police are stalking suspect Asep alias Sefa Riano since last month. When arrested, suspected terrorists and Seva Riano Asep alias Ahmad Taufiq alias Ovie did not take the fight. Once arrested they immediately herded shows the location of his hideout.
Both actors are expected to blow up the Embassy of Myanmar in solidarity against the Rohingya Muslim minority in the country under pressure. Until now, firefight involving troops still occur in Kampung But Rengat, Mekarahayu Village, District Margaasih, Bandung, West Java.

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