Sunday, June 16, 2013

China's People Search Sensor Winnie The Pooh on the Internet

Chinese government recently censored cartoon kids, Winnie the Pooh, of the search in cyberspace. Cause, circulated a photo on the internet that compares photos of Chinese President Xi Jinping during his visit to the United States with a picture of Winnie the Pooh. 

Page Dailymail, Saturday, June 14, 2013, uploaded the pictures on their website. In the picture, looks Xi Jinping was walking with U.S. President Barack Obama at the summit of California. 

Then the image is juxtaposed with a picture of Winnie the Pooh bear with a similar pose was walking with his best friend, Tiger. This image first published in Chinese social media, Weibo. 

Cyberspace users who posted the picture for the first time is a blogger by the name of Nicaragua Rabbit greeting. 

Upon learning this, Weibo administrators immediately delete the photo and the image related comments. Although it has been deleted, unfortunately the picture was already widespread in the virtual world. 

Cyberspace users who know about censorship, deplored the attitude of the site manager. According to them, the Chinese government did not have a sense of humor and stingy.
Nicaragua Rabbit then display the message given by the administrator of the site Weibo reads: "The image is not suitable for publication". 

Cyberspace censorship policy issued by the Communist Party known for a long time can erase all content on the internet. This includes small criticism addressed to the government.
Reports the South China Morning Post, the censorship policy could jeopardize a positive image for Presien Xi Jinping who is trying to be built.

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