Saturday, June 15, 2013

Former officials call Hezbollah had provoked the world

Former Secretary General of Hezbollah, Subhi al-Tufayli, yesterday criticized the militia group Hezbollah for military intervention in Syria. He said Hezbollah had provoked the whole world.

Al Arabiya television reported on Saturday (8/6), Tufayli said he could not imagine why Hasan Nasrallah, who currently heads the group, challenged those who disagreed with him to fight against the group in Syria.
"We ask those who disagree with us to fight against us in Syria and as if we were invited for a Sunni Muslim 1.3 billion deal with us," said Tufayli, who leads Hezbollah from 1989 to 1991.

He said Hezbollah acknowledged a major defeat in battle to seize control in the city of Qusayr, Syria, and were only able to enter the town after rebels retreated because of running out of ammunition. "In Qusayr, actually there is no great power to be defeated."

The Shiite cleric also added that the project Hezbollah as a party that works to unite the Islamic world has fallen.

"There's no such thing as this group defends Umma (Muslim world), instead they have become disastrous for the Umma," he said.

He reiterated Hezbollah launch sectarian war and opened a door that vicious incitement period.

Tufayli add Iran to fully control and responsible for pushing Hezbollah into the Syrian war.

Tufayli stepped down in 1991 and replaced Abbas al-Musawi. In 1992 he came out of Hezbollah.
He criticized Hezbollah due to take part in parliamentary elections in Lebanon and became part of the national government. He then formed another group called Hungry Revolution, which opposed the Lebanese government.


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