Saturday, June 22, 2013

Wisdom poetry KH Wahid Hasyim (1)

KH Abdul Wahid Hasyim including character who likes to take notes. Not surprisingly, his favorite number rhymes and poems in various languages ​​remain stored neatly until now. Several poems in Arabic lessons here are sebagain precious heritage of scholars and national hero. 
ولا شيء يدوم فكن حديثا # جميل الذكر فالدنيا حديث

There was no one else in this world is eternal. So, Carve wonderful stories as memories. Because the world is indeed a story 

ألا ليقل ما شاء من شاء إنما # يلام الفتى فيما استطاع من الأمر

Say what you want disclosed. (Do not hesitate) youth had always scorned because of his skills. 

ذريني أنال ما لا ينال من العلى # فصعب العلى في الصعب والسهل في السهل
تريدين إدراك المعالي رخيصة # فلا بد دون الشهد من إبر النحل

Let me grab the glory that is yet unattainable. Degrees of glory that followed the levels of ease and difficulty. You often want to get the glory that is cheap. Though makers have felt the sting of the honey bee. 

ستبدي لك الأيام ما كنت جاهلا # ويأتيك بالأخبار ما لم تزود

Later the time will show you as a fool, and bring you news about the empty stores. 

لقد غرسوا حتى أكلنا وإننا # لنغرسوا حتى يأكل الناس بعدنا

Predecessors had planted so we eat the fruit. Now we also grow so that future generations take the result. 

إذا فاتني يوم ولم أصطنع يدا # ولم أكتسب علما فماذاك من عمري
    When my time runs out without the work and knowledge, then what is the meaning of my age?

Mahbib Khoiron Excerpted and translated from the re- A KH Wahid Hasjim, Why I Chose NU, Bandung: Mizan, 2011 


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