Saturday, June 22, 2013

Cross out the story of Prophet Seven Words

Important piece of the history of many of the early period of Islam journey is Hudaybiyah agreement. This incident not only illustrates the military tensions between Muslims and the idolaters of Quraish but also traces of the Prophet Muhammad diplomacy. 

The agreement is also known as "shulhul Hudaybiyah" originated about 1400 followers of Rasulullah plan to perform the pilgrimage. The polytheists are not willing. They sought to block the entrance of the city of Makkah with considerable force. 

Prophet does not want any war then take the path of negotiations. The result, in March 628 AD or Shafar 6 H, decided Hudaybiyah agreement, of which agreed on a cease-fire and Muslims worship opportunities in Makkah.
However, these negotiations had lasted a lot and tend to harm Muslims. For example, disclaimers appear associated with partially opening editorial Prophet proposed agreement, as described in the book Hayatus companions. 

"Write Bismillah (in the name of almighty Allah almighty womb rahman again)," orders the Prophet to his scribes, Ali ibn Abi Talib. 

"Ar-Rahman? I do not know him, "said the representative of Quraysh idolaters, Suhail bin Amr, rebelled. "Just write Bismika allahumma as usual!" 

Muslims who follow the negotiation process is not received with this protest. They will still persist include five highly respected word that (bi, ism, god, ar-rahman, ar-uterus). "Just write Bismika allahumma," Prophet soothing. 

The Prophet then told me, "Write more, hadha ma qadla 'alaih prophet muhammad (This provision prophet Muhammad)." 

"I swear, if we recognize you are the Apostle of Allah (Messenger of God), we will not put you off visiting the Kaaba. So write it Muhammad bin Abdullah, "Suhail again protested. 

"Really I was a prophet though guys deny it." Finally the Prophet granted the idolaters of Quraysh demands to cross off two more words, the apostle and gods. "Write Muhammad bin Abdullah course," she said later. 

Avoid conflict and bloodshed is the attitude that upheld the Prophet. Peace is a priority objective, although the contents kesapakatan "reduce" the greatness of the name of religion on the symbolic level. 

This fragment of history megingatkan us on the history of the principle of Pancasila formulation. For the sake of unity and harmony of Indonesia, Jakarta charter first principle grains containing "Divinity with the obligation to carry out Islamic law for adherents" finally changed. The majority of Muslim scholars and the country agreed to write-off the seven words in the grain so that it becomes "Belief in God Almighty". (Mahbib Khoiron) 


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