Saturday, June 22, 2013

Wisdom poetry KH Wahid Hasyim (2)

KH Wahid Hasyim Abdul persona certainly can not deny. In the age of 21 years, young Wahid had made brilliant breakthroughs in education, especially schools.

When joined Islamic Council A'la Indonesia (MIAI), only turns 25 years old. But a year later, Wahid mass organizations it chairs the federation and the Islamic party.

Career fast uphill struggle. Wahid also led NU, become a member BPUPKI, and eventually was appointed as a minister of religion. That is, in addition to wage jihad quell the colonizers, Wahid actively involved in all stages of the most decisive in the process of establishment of the state.

Wahid life times spent almost entirely with full benefits. Scholars and national leaders died on 19 April 1953, before the birthday commemorated the 38th. Here are some inspirational poems handle, which is full of messages of struggle, hard work, respect for time, the ideals, and the conviction of the dynamics of life.

ولم أجد الإنسان إلا ابن سعيه # فمن كان أسعى كان بالمجد أجدرا

وبالهمة العليا ترقى إلى العلى # فمن كان أعلى همة كان أظهرا
ولم يتأخر من أراد تقدما # ولم يتقدم من أراد تأخرا

Every human being is a child of his labors. The harder the effort, the more appropriate it victorious. High ideals which can be lifted to a high degree. The more hard-willed, the more light that degree. There's no step backwards for people who want to get ahead. There was no progress for people who want backwards.

 ولا تحتقر كيد الضعيف وربما # تموت الأفاعي من سموم العقارب
وقد هد قدما عرش بلقيس هدهد # وخرب حفر الفأر سد المأرب

Do not underestimate the finesse something (looks) is weak. Sometimes, death by a vicious snake scorpion venom. Apparently, the bird had toppled Hudhud Bulqis queen throne, and the mice were able to demolish the building burrows sturdy.

ومن عادة الأيام أن خطوبها # إذا سر منها جانب ساء جانب

Already nature of time, the party will be happy others sad.

بذا قضت الأيام ما بين أهلها # مصائب قوم عند قوم فوائد
عرفت سجايا الدهر أما شروره # فنقد وأما خيره فوعود

That's the time to determine the fate of its inhabitants (human). Unfortunate for a group of people are lucky to another group. I already understand the behavior of this fleeting age: a critique ugliness, while kindness is just a promise.

فإن غبار الصافنات إذا علا # نشقت له ريحا ألذ من الند
وريحانتي سيفي وكأسات مجلسي # جماجم سادات حراص على المجد

When the cavalry scattered dust, I just inhale the fragrance of perfumed incense beyond. Sword and polish glasses in my meeting table was transformed skull princes (the enemy) are greedy glory.

جزى الله خيرا كل من ليس بيننا # ولا بينه ود ولا متعرف
فما نالني ضيم ولا مسني أذى # من الناس إلا من فتى كنت أعرف

May Allah bestow kindness on any man who has not love each other and know each other. I never complained and was hit hard except from people who already know me.

ولدتك أمك يابن آدم باكيا # والناس حولك يضحكون سرورا
فاجهد لنفسك أن تكون إذا بكوا # في يوم موتك ضاحكا مسرورا

When the mother had you, you cry, while people around to greet you with happy laughter. Strive, until mautmu arrived, they Manangis, while you laugh ria.

Mahbib Khoiron
Excerpted and translated from the re-
A KH Wahid Hasjim, Why I Chose NU, Bandung: Mizan, 2011


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