Saturday, June 22, 2013

Hasan Basri Christian neighborly tolerance

Admiration of friends and disciples not personal thrill Hasan al-Basri to live full of simplicity. In flats that are not too big he lives with his beloved wife. At the top is the abode of a Christian. Family life and neighborly calm and harmonious flow despite lack overwhelmed by worldly measure. 

In the room Hasan al-Basri always looks small bucket of water drip from the roof of his room. His wife was deliberately set it up at the request of Hasan al-Basri that the droplets do not overflow. Hasan al-Basri routinely replace it each time bucket is full and the occasional splash that could wipe residual wetting tile. 

Hasan al-Basri was never intended to fix the roof. "We must not disturb the neighbors," he argued. 

If traced, the roof of Hasan al-Basri room is nothing but a tiled bathroom a Christian, his neighbor. Because there is damage, urine and feces seeping into the room without following Imam channels available. 

Christian neighbors did not react to anything about this incident because Hasan al-Basri himself had never let him know. Until one day the neighbor visiting Hasan al-Basri who was sick and unclean fluids witnessed overwrite room bathroom Hasan Al-Basri. 

"Imam, since when you put up with all this," Christian neighbors seemed apologetic. 

Hasan al-Basri was silent look, while short smile. 

Feeling no response was half-Christian neighbors urged. "Tell me honestly, O Imam. It is heartening for us. " 

With a deep voice was Hasan al-Basri replied, "Twenty years ago." 

"Then why did you not tell me?" 

"Glorifying neighbor is mandatory. Our Prophet mengajaran, 'Who believes in Allah and the Last Day then glorify neighbors'. You are my neighbors, "he said softly. 

The Christian Neighbors say two sentences creed instantly. (Mahbib Khoiron)

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