Monday, June 10, 2013

Shoot Dead Logistics Detachment Suppliers Group Santoso

Special Detachment 88 anti-terror team shot dead a man named Nudin alias Bondan, an alleged member of the terrorist network. Nudin shot at Jalan Irian, Poso, Monday, June 10, 2013, at 16:00 pm.
Head of Public Information Bureau National Police Brig Joey Boy Amar explained that when they want to be arrested, Nudin take the fight by shooting members of Detachment.

"At the moment the suspect riding a motorcycle towards Jalan Irian, members tried to stop. However concerned speeding and crashed into a car at the moment will be captured and shot Detachment members so that members returned fire and the suspect resulted in death," he said.

Boy said, Nudin aka Mariah suspected of involvement in terrorist acts in Poso. Mariah was also allegedly involved in the robbery for jihad activities of religious extremist version (fa'i) with Abu Roban in Central Java and receiving loot.

"Mariah is suspected as a supplier of logistics for the group Santoso. Seekers She is also involved as a logistics and funding for groups Santoso, Asmar and Roy in Bima," said Boy.

In the arrest the police seized evidence in the form of a pistol type firearm with six bullet points from Nudin hand.

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