Sunday, June 16, 2013

U.S. to war Syria Intervention

U.S. considering fly-free zone in Syria. This will be the first direct U.S. intervention in Syria war that has lasted nearly two years.

White House judge, the Syrian government has passed the red line due to wear chemical weapons. On Thursday (13/6), U.S. President Barack Obama decided to arm the Syrian militants. They also claim to have evidence of Syrian government forces used chemical weapons against militants.

Two senior diplomat said Washington was looking for fly-free areas are limited in southern Syria near the border with Jordan. "Washington considers fly-free areas to help the opposition government," said the diplomat told Reuters.

Enforcement of the no-fly zone to destroy the sophisticated Russian-made air defense and Syria. It's similar to the type of policies in force NATO to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi in Libya two years ago.

Washington said the no-fly zone has not been excluded from the policy, but there has been no decision on the matter. "No-fly zone would be costly for the U.S. and the international community.'s Much more complex in Syria than in Libya," said Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes.

French said the no-fly zone would be impossible without the authorization of the UN Security Council. However, Washington secretly taking lang-steps that will make it easier. Washington moved missiles, fighter aircraft, and more than 4,000 troops to Jordan as part of an annual exercise.

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