Saturday, June 22, 2013

Valentines Messenger on Poverty

One that stands out is the attitude of the Prophet Muhammad that he is very gentle and empathize with the poor. As a leader, he himself impress themselves as poor. His everyday wear cotton or wool clothing is simple, living in a modest house and eat and drink with a simple dish anyway. 

Narrated by Abu Hurairah, the Prophet Muhammad once had a visitor who was concerned. Having met the Messenger, the guest also said: "O Messenger of Allah, woe to me!" She exclaimed. 

Hear his complaints that the Prophet was then asked: "What on earth makes you wretch?" 

The man then replied: "I corresponded (sex) with my wife in (at noon) in Ramadan". 

Heard of any of the guest Prophet said: "Are you able to free a slave?"
The man replied: "No". 

Messenger of Allah said: "Are you able to feed sixty poor people?"
The man replied, "No". 

Then the Prophet ordered the guests to sit and he sat
Not long after, a friend sent a pack which contains palm to the Prophet. Prophet then gave the palm wrap to guests who were seated as he said: "Please give charity". 

Unexpectedly the man said: "O Messenger of Allah, there is no in between these two village families poorer than us." 

The recognition of the guests heard the Prophet laughed until his incisors visible. Then he bersabada: "Take this palm, and feed the family." 

This story shows how great Prophet of mercy to the poor and needy. 

Prophet Muhammad is a leading figure who deserves to be imitated by all Muslims. In self-assembled his entire character is commendable that he is blessed by Allah SWT as uswatun hasanah title or good role models. 


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