Friday, June 14, 2013

Who are 3 political parties called for nyapres Jokowi tease?

Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo became a magnet for political parties. With the continuing rise electability, Jokowi start is predicted to be a presidential candidate. A number of the party had already started to tease.

Democrats are even planning to invite Jokowi to join the convention. Currently a number of names mentioned will follow the convention, such as Mahfud MD, Irman Gusman, Pramod Edhie Wibowo and Gita Wirjawan.

"It could also (Jokowi invited), why not," said Vice Chairman of the Democratic Party Nurhayati Ali Assegaf in the Parliament Building, Jakarta, Thursday (30/5).

PKB chairman Muhaimin Iskandar General openly carrying Jokowi want to become a presidential candidate. Name of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's wife, Ani Yudhoyono also entered the list of the party game.

"We hope Mrs. Ani and we hope Jokowi," said Muhaimin.

Golkar Party also began to speak. Golkar see a leader who takes Indonesia today is like Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo (Jokowi). Former mayor of Surakarta is a figure which was considered as is, without contrived to imaging.

"I see there is a need figures like Jokowi, he appear as it is rustic, made-up baseball, personally clever and can make decisions even if baseball dilihatkan, said Chairman of the Executive Board of the Research and Development DPP Golkar Party, Indra J Piliang.

Regarding the position of Jokowi, Member Golkar Party faction in the House of Representatives said Bambang Soesatyo Jokowi is a decent figure juxtaposed as vice Bakrie. Jokowi existence is believed to boost the vote Ical.

"Ical need to boost the figure, one can name is Jokowi. Problem Jokowi we do approach. PDIP not carry Bu Mega and Puan. We hope, can be paired with Ical Jokowi to improve the nation. Pak Jokowi Only the most appropriate," said Bambang Soesatyo in the capitol, Jakarta, Monday (27/5).

In The Economist magazine issue 8 to 14 June 2013, the Jokowi admitted there were three parties who approached her groom as a presidential candidate for 2014. But he did not explicitly mention these parties.

"He has confessed to his friends, that there are three political parties approached him and asked that would be a candidate for president, two other parties asked to be a candidate for vice president," I Jokowi.

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