Friday, June 14, 2013

So nuclear weapons in Iran, Indonesia so human rescuers

Iran, a country in the middle east region is known as one of the oil fields in the world. Abundant resources to make Iran's economic growth is always stable since two centuries ago.

Economies are primed to make Iran can develop anything with abundant financial support, one of them nuclear. Iran's nuclear technology is already being developed since several years ago.
This year, in July, Iran reportedly been able to make a nuclear bomb. Page of the Times of Israel reported having seen North Korea has nuclear weapons, Iran's leaders have apparently also decided to prepare a nuclear bomb between July and September this year.

"Iran does not seem to play as well as North Korea. What does Kim Jong-un, also owned by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad," the source said. "At the end of 2012, Iran has conducted simulations of nuclear explosions and since then Iran has advanced every day."

Iran's nuclear development riled State Superpower like the USA. U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama said, America will continue on their initial commitment to continue to prevent it does not happen though in different ways.

Obama will take stern measures against Iran. Obama said that Iran's nuclear program would be dangerous to world security. He calls the program will also be harmful to the interests of American security concerns.

Iran currently concentrating on developing the technology for a nuclear bomb, Indonesia also did not lose in this field. In Indonesia, nuclear, through PT Batan Technology co-developed as a raw material for innovation. Indonesia is able to make a uranium enrichment with a low system that will produce the drug for medical radio-isotopes called.

"The only expert in the world of nuclear enrichment of uranium to a low system. Higher if the system is going to be a weapon.'s For the nuclear medicine drugs.'s Called radio isotopes," said Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, Dahlan Iskan.

Business Batan very promising technology is also called. Radio-isotopes that can only be produced in Indonesia has been exported to nine countries such as Japan, Singapore, China and so forth.

Director of Batan Technology, the company that manages Yudiutomo adding it plans to expand to the United States by creating a joint venture with the American company. Low uranium enrichment plant system is targeted to begin operation in 2017 in the U.S..

"The investment is USD 170 million and 51 percent of our stock. Production capacity there to reach 4,000 curies of radio-isotopes," said Yudiutomo.

Currently, the factory owned by Tekno Batan in Indonesia is only able to produce about 300 curies of radio-isotopes per week in supplies to 16 hospitals for medical purposes.
"The plant will be bigger in America because America needs 6,000 curies per week," he said.


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