Saturday, July 20, 2013

Mowed on a motorcycle killed Peak Smile, Papua

Terror shooting strangers carried back in Papua. Muhammad Saleh, a motorcycle was killed when sprayed with bullets take passengers in Kampung Kali Cement Wandengdobak Noble District, Papua.
"On Friday at 08.30 CET, has come under fire by unknown persons. When the incident the victim was carrying passengers to the summit of Noble Smile," said Head of Public Relations Commissioner Gede Papua Sumerta via text message to, Friday (11/7 ).
By I Gede Sumerta, Saleh killed by a bullet that lodged in his body. Recorded two bullets penetrate the body Saleh.
"The victim suffered a gunshot wound above the right nipple right through to the back, a gunshot wound on the left through the back of the left ribs, a gunshot wound in the right flank estimated bullet lodged in the stomach," added Sumerta.
Before Muhammad Saleh, some shooting also occurred on a motorcycle in Papua. Such as, B, a motorcycle in the Paniai area, unknown persons shot on Thursday (31/01/2013). Do not stop there, during the year 2011-2012 in the shooting of a motorcycle entrants also occur in various parts of Papua.

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